Ten on Tuesday (26)

April 13, 2010 at 7:41 am 11 comments

Hello y’all! It’s currently 10:10 on Monday night. Stephen and I just got home from a night out celebrating his mom’s 50th birthday. We did it up big time at the Goode Company Taqueria. (That queso… have you had that queso??) Then we had ice cream cake and I also ate some of the fudgy garnish off of a cake a friend of her’s bought her. I get a pass because I’m carrying her first grandchild.

Have you ever noticed that when I start a post with the time and how busy I just was, I’m about to give you an excuse? In the car on the way home I said, “Hmm… I still need to write my blog tonight.” And Stephen said, “Your Ten on Tuesday? Let me do it!” At first I said no but then I realized that if he writes it, I can go to bed earlier. So without further adieu…

These questions were brought to you by Sue from Simon’s Sista Saw (<– that’s a link). I’m not sure if she’ll be participating, go check her out. She recently lost her cousin in an accident and may not feel up to writing a pointless meme. Keep her and her family in your prayers, would you? 

1.  What book, movie or song has made you want to travel to a particular place? (eg. I went to Prince Edward Island because I was such a Anne of Green Gables fan)
I was always a fan of The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper.  It goes through different places in England and Wales, and although it wasn’t always making these places out to be wonderous or magical, Susan Cooper did a great job of describing how the layout was of either an English harbor town stuck 50 years behind current times with its ritualistic customs or the farm / ranch land in a coastal valley in Wales. 

2. Aside from your significant other, who would you want to take with you on a dream trip?
Probably someone who could physically keep up with me or drive me to keep going?  It would probably be full of either long trail hiking or going on everyride over and over, so if Chelsea weren’t going, it would definitely be adventuresome, and whoever went would have to want to talk and walk, a lot.

3. Where would said dream trip be to?
Disney World / the entire Orlando experience OR New Zealand or Spain

4. If you were hosting guests or providing tips, what three things would you show visitors to your hometown? (be it where you live now or where you grew up)
NASA – I don’t particularly care heavily on this since I pass it everyday, but people define this area by it.  HERMANN PARK AREA – This includes the zoo, park itself, theatres, and museum district.  SAN JACINTO MONUMENT AREA – not only do you see where Texans caught the Mexican General with his pants down to win independence, but you also see the life-blood of Houston on the ship channel, all the industry and plants that drives our economy.

5. If you had a long weekend ahead of you, where you head – beach, city or country/mountains?
I would go to the dog park a couple of times, ride my bike for a day, or head to Hermann Park (mentioned above).

6. Do you have a passport? If so, did you get it for a particular trip or just to have, in case?
Yes, I first got my passport in 7th grade to go to Costa Rica.  Since then I’ve been to the following: Spain, England, Mexico, & Honduras.  Costa Rica & Spain were for education / fun.  England was for family.  Mexico was for school in Monterrey and a cruise took us to the Yucatan of Mexico and the Roatan island of Honduras.

7. Are there any travel souvenirs you collect? If not, is there something else you collect?
Specifically no, but from my last trip I brought back a beer bottle of sand.  Other than that, just whatever catches my eye and could be useful?  I use to collect shot glasses when traveling the US, but not being a big drinker, it didn’t seem appropriate to keep it up.

8. If you could name a paint colour, what colour would it be and what would you call it?
Judging from the spelling of “colour” I’m going to assume this person isn’t from America, where everyone’s favourite colors are the good old RED, WHITE & BLUE hands down, and I’d call it Liberty!   …just kidding, I’d like name a color Jahosephat (sp?) and it would be a deep rose red with some noticable brown in it.

9. If you were heading away for a weekend citybreak solo, where would you go? (forget about practicality here and flight times, assume you can get to any city in the world for the weekend)
Sevilla, Spain.  It’s fun there!

10. Is there a song or a smell or something that you strongly associate with a particular holiday/place/time, such that it always takes you back?
Creme Brule.  Chelsea use to always wear a creme brule lip-balm, for the first 6 months of our relationship, and ever since then when I smell it, I think of kissing her.  But no thanks to that aweful cherry chapstick crap she’s addicted to now, it will be only a memory…at least until I figure out a way to break her of her habit.

Entry filed under: Stephen, Ten on Tuesday.

Pregnant Pause – Week 17 Loser 9.13: With A Big ‘Ol Afro On His Head

11 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Sue @ Simon's Sista  |  April 13, 2010 at 7:47 am

    Good job Stephen! Good answers. I wasn’t going to play this week, but as they’re my questions I’ve had long enough to think of (most) of the answers. And correct on the spelling – I’m from Australia but live in the UK.

  • 2. Nora  |  April 13, 2010 at 8:25 am

    Ah! Disney World & Orlando! I used to live there and even though I’m 26 I still want to go back to experience it all over again. Such a magical place, it really is.

    Aww, # 10 was a sweet answer =)

  • 3. Deia  |  April 13, 2010 at 8:40 am

    Really nice questions and good answers, Stephen. Spain’s one of my favorite countries for vacation.
    And, sadly, but true, at 24 I have never been to Disneyland…

  • 4. Angela  |  April 13, 2010 at 9:09 am

    My Stephen hated the lip balm that I used to wear (which was my favorite!), so I switched it for him. Now whenever I smell Burt’s Bees lip balm, I think of that.

  • 5. Lauren From Texas  |  April 13, 2010 at 9:45 am

    You & Michael should go on vacation together. It would be a marathon of keeping up with each other, driving each other to keep going, & walking & talking! Chelsea & I & baby Hurst will stay behind & eat. 🙂

  • 6. Jessica  |  April 13, 2010 at 10:11 am

    So I was reading along and I got to the last question and started laughing. It hurt so bad. P90X is evil. Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred has nothing on that guy. I can talk too. Although ask me again at level 3.

  • 7. Courtney  |  April 13, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    My link got messed up! I corrected it, but it’s the second “Courtney”. Typical!

  • 8. Taryn E  |  April 13, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    1. both the books and the movie have made me want to go to the planets in Dune. 🙂

    2. My best girlfriends, for an all-girls party trip (Casey, Meredith, Emily, Teresa, and Jackie)

    3. probably on a cruise somewhere

    4. South Beach, Lion Country Safari or Jungle lsland, and an Everglades airboat tour out on the Seminole reservation.

    5. beach, beach, beach

    6. Yes, got it to go on our honeymoon to Jamaica. I went to the Bahamas, Canada and mexico before passports were required.

    7. We have a lot of glassware, but most of that is Rob’s. I just like to find unusual things… a painting, a picture frame, whatever catches my eye at the time.

    8. Some sort of faded blue-green and call it Beach Glass.

    9. Rome.

    10. Smell…. the smell of mink/cadaver dissection. It’s a really strong unusual smell but can be mimicked by some types of smoked meat… me (and my dad) have actually spit out food before b/c the taste reminded us of the smell of dissection. Yuck.

  • 9. Lisa D  |  April 13, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    Mmmmm. Queso. I am a sucker for a queso. Now I am hungry for it!!

    These questions stirred my travel bug big time. I think it was dormant for awhile. Thinking about where i want to go has awoken it!!

  • 10. Debbie  |  April 14, 2010 at 8:05 am

    what did Steven do in Monterrey? Badi did this Spanish immersion program for like 3 or 4 months in Mexico. I think it might have been in Monterrey? I can’t think of the city now…

  • 11. Debbie  |  April 14, 2010 at 8:06 am

    oops, I meant to write StePHen. not with a ‘v’. Sorry about that Mr. Hurst! 🙂

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April 2010


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