Ten on Tuesday (55)

November 23, 2010 at 7:00 am 17 comments

First, a bit of housekeeping. As always, thanks for your question submissions, they are appreciated. You can always email me your questions (chelsea (at) rootsandrings (dot) com) or leave a question or two in the comments. I save them and compile them into lists as needed.

It’s fun to see a bunch of new participants. You are welcome to use my Ten on Tuesday button as a graphic on your blog. I know many of you like to make your own graphics, and that’s fine too, but know that it’s there for you to use if you want it. Just save the jpg and link back.

My only request is that if you participate, you put a link to my blog on your post. Not because I want the hits (who even clicks the links anyways?!) but because I made this up. And it feels sort of like you’re stealing my blog content when I stumble on a blog that uses my questions but fails to mention me at all. Maybe that doesn’t make sense to many of you, but it sort of feels like I planned a party that I wasn’t invited to. (And I’m not trying to call anyone out, I honestly can’t think of a blogger that does this off the top of my head. I just know I see them around.)

With that said, I’m shocked that ToT is still going strong. It’s been 55 weeks of random questions! Thanks for participating, friends!

**Oops. I forgot to mention that these questions are from Autumn. (<- link!)

1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?
This Thanksgiving is at our house with Stephen’s parents and siblings (and their other halves). We travel when the family travels but thankfully, this Thanksgiving is at Hurst Castle which makes things so much easier with Jansen.

2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?
We switch. One holiday with my family, one with Stephen’s. Unfortunately my family also switches- one holiday with my mom’s side and one with my dad’s. So if you figure it all out, we’d be missing holidays with one side of my family 100% of the time. We’ve been able to switch things up here and there to make sure we see everyone. Sometimes it sucks and you feel like you’re missing out and also pissing off family, but it’s part of life. This year Stephen and I decided that since we have Jansen, we are our own family and we will make the decisions necessary for us.

3. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?
We normally have it around 2:00. This year it’ll be around 6:00.

4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Eating is my favorite Thanksgiving tradition.

5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?
I lounge and moan and sleep and read newspaper ads.

6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?
I don’t shop on Black Friday unless we spend Thanksgiving in Austin, then all the women go to Salado, Texas on Friday. But I don’t consider that Black Friday shopping. My dad has done his fair share of BF shopping and has gotten some pretty great deals because of it.

7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?
I usually have one or two items I still need to get the week before Christmas, but I usually finish the bulk of it in early December. I’m on top of things this year. I only have about 4 or 5 more people to shop as of today.

8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?
Yes we do. Our budget is “we are poor so don’t go overboard.”

9. When do you decorate for the holidays?
After Thanksgiving. I’m hoping that’s on the agenda for this 4-day weekend.

10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?
In the middle. We usually have two trees, lights on the house, and random decor around the house. Stephen has decided that since he now has a child, he should no longer get on a ladder… ever again. So our house won’t be as pretty but he’s agreed to put lights in the lamp post and bushes, and porch.

Link up!

Entry filed under: Ten on Tuesday.

Riddle Me This The Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

17 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Southern Gal  |  November 23, 2010 at 7:16 am

    Hi Chelsea. Thanks for hosting each week. 55? Wow.

    1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too? Most of our immediate family is in town or close by. My hubs is working this year so I’ll make the rounds to both sets of parents. Same with Christmas unless we host something.

    2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?
    It all depends on my husband’s work schedule. If he’s working I usually spend it with my family, then visit his family later that day.

    3. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?
    We aim for one, but never make it.

    4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
    Turkey cookies with the kids and reading the first thanksgiving story.

    5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?
    Newspaper crossword puzzles with my daddy and then the black Friday ads.

    6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?
    I’ve taken my daughter when she just HAD to go. My husband took me a few times early in our marriage. It’s easier for me to shop by internet.

    7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?
    It’s different every year. I have surgery on Dec. 2 this year so I’m going to try and have it all taken care of by then. Ha.That’s what the internet is for, right?

    8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?
    We do, but it’s usually something small. Unless he decides he wants to buy me diamonds. It’s happened a couple of times and I nearly faint. Because an air compressor just doesn’t add up to a diamond necklace.

    9. When do you decorate for the holidays?
    After Thanksgiving. And because of said surgery, it has to be Friday after Thanksgiving this year.

    10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?
    Outdoors is simple: wreaths and some greenery and a few lights around the door. Inside I’m not one to have Christmas represented in every room in the house. Usually the den is where the tree and decorations are displayed. This year I’m pulling in magnolia leaves and holly sprigs to decorate. I’ll have to change them out closer to Christmas, but I love the look and smell of fresh foliage (says the girl who has an aritificial tree).

  • 2. Angela  |  November 23, 2010 at 7:30 am

    There’s been a few times when I stumble upon random blogs that have participated in ToT, but they’ve linked to a completely different blog and make no mention of yours. It’s so strange.

  • 3. Angela  |  November 23, 2010 at 10:02 am

    I ALWAYS link back to your blog. I love your idea and I love giving people credit where credit is due – aka: IF THEY MADE IT! And I only do memes I lurve. ^_^

  • 4. Crystal  |  November 23, 2010 at 10:04 am

    I love ToT and try to participate every week. I have saved your logo and post it with the questions but to be honest I have no clue how to link your blog to mine. I’m going to give it a try today but I’m not making any promises. ; ) Jansen is the cutest!!

  • 5. Taryn  |  November 23, 2010 at 10:27 am

    1. Thanksgiving, Luke and I are staying at our house… we’re doing a joint dinner with two other families in our neighborhood (Rob is in NJ til next monday, so I’m a single mom.) yes, we celebrate Christmas; we’ll go down to the FL Keys for that.

    2. We don’t really switch. My hubby isn’t particularly close with his family, so we don’t really deal with that. my family always comes to Florida for Christmas.

    3. Usually later in the day, around 3 or 4.

    4. nope, just stuffing my face!

    5. lounge around and watch football and nap.

    6. I haven’t done BF in awhile. I usually get my shopping done well before that.

    7. I will be completely finished as of tomorrow. 🙂

    8. Not usually. The past bunch of years, we’ve just picked one thing that we need for the house. This year it’s gonna be a new mattress!

    9. usually after Thanksgiving. I will probably do most of my decorating tomorrow, tho, since I’m off from work and have a whole day without Luke!

    10. Kinda in the middle. Do lights in the palm trees and bushes, decorate the tree, have lots of wreaths and candles and stuff.

  • 6. KEZ  |  November 23, 2010 at 10:34 am

    This one was fun! I love the holidays!!!

  • 7. Stephanie  |  November 23, 2010 at 10:58 am

    Great questions! Have a great Thanksgiving 🙂

  • 8. brandilicious  |  November 23, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    Figuring out who to spend your holidays with is no easy task. I really like that you and Stephan decided to figure it out for yourselves now that you have a new addition. Makes it so much less stressful. Besides, you have a newborn – everyone should come to you!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  • 9. Amy  |  November 23, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    Very fun questions! Thanks for reminding me I need to figure out our Christmas family visiting plans. It would be sooo much easier to just stay home!

  • 10. Jenny  |  November 23, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    I’ve linked up, and linked to your blog! 🙂 I’ve always loved answering random questions. Thanks for putting this together!

  • 11. Laurie  |  November 23, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    Thanks for providing the questions every week. I have to be honest, I found Ten on Tuesday from a couple of friends blogs, but I never knew where they got the questions from. I just copy and pasted from them. Then one of them posted a link to your blog. I’ve come to you ever since but haven’t always linked back. I will from now on! Ten on Tuesday is the only thing that keeps me blogging right now.

  • 12. mom (nana)  |  November 23, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?
    Will be spending Thanksgiving with my hubby’s family. Christmas is with my side of the family this year. We have always alternated – for 30 years. It has always worked out well but now that my kids are grown and have added to their families, it is more difficult to get everyone together. That is life but we are grateful when we do all get to be together. Have to learn to share and it is hard – especially for the lone child that is not married yet and has to spend all holidays with us – some without her siblings…bummer for her.
    2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit? see above answer – still going strong after 30 years of doing this.

    3.Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day? usually we eat around 2:00 or so. That is the norm no matter which side of the family we are with.

    4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
    Not so much a tradition unless you call food a tradition but we ALWAYS have to have sweet potato pudding. And on my side, and sometimes hubby’s side, we go around and say what we are thankful for before we say the blessing.

    5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?
    Usually cleaning up the kitchen which takes forever….lounge around???? what’s that???? Chelsea will find out after having it at her house that she won’t be lounging too much! 🙂

    6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?
    Tradition is to head to Salado to shop on BF with all my hubby’s family. Fun Fun Fun….NEVER NEVER NEVER go to the mall or other store on BF. No need to – my hubby is a great BF shopper!!!!

    7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?
    Different each year. There is always “just one more thing to pick up”…

    8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?
    Sometimes we do. He hates me to spend money on him so not usually. We will usually do something for the house – like this year we are getting new floors in the two upstairs’ areas!!!!

    9. When do you decorate for the holidays?
    After Thanksgiving. NEVER NEVER before. Try to do it the week immediately following thanksgiving week. Usually takes a couple or 3 days to get it done and clean up from the mess.

    10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?
    I definitely like Christmas decorations but I don’t think I have too much. I have some stuff that I have had out every year – say for 20 to 30 years but I like to add new stuff to the mix….

  • 13. Autumn  |  November 23, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    Thanks for the “shout out” and for using my questions!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    PS… My fat baby probably needed a 24 month size onsie that said “My First Thanksgiving” 🙂

  • 14. Emmie  |  November 23, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    #2 – christmas started for me on Jan 20th of this year and has lasted everyday since. I don’t care about spending a certain day with family just because it is a holiday. Everytime I get to see my kids, you, and Jansen is special!!!!! And Shawn and Andrew of course!

  • 15. Ten on Tuesday – my first!  |  November 23, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    […] over at Roots & Rings does this Ten (questions) on Tuesday thing and… this is me, trying to get out of a blogging […]

  • 16. Sara  |  November 24, 2010 at 1:43 am

    This is my first 10 on Tuesday ;0) Cool idea!

    1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?

    This year I’m spending Thanksgiving with Dad and his new girlfriend Karen. They just got together which is exciting because they’re both hopeless at relationships. They’re pretty perfect for each other. I’m lucky that my Dad’s girlfriend and I get along so well. In December I’ll be back in New York City with friends.

    2. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?
    As long as it doesn’t get cold it doesn’t matter when we eat.

    3. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
    I love television sitcoms with Thanksgiving episodes. FRIENDS Thanksgiving episodes are some of the best.

    4. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?
    Last year at my Aunt and Uncle’s house we ate so much (four kinds of pie) that we had to take a walk. Two people canceled and the amount of food was ridiculous. My Aunt Barbra makes wonderful stuffing with her secret recipe.

    5. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?
    I say I object to the chaos and materialism of “Black Friday” but I turned up at Bananna Republic last year. I’m wearing a shirt right now that I purchased last Black Friday.I don’t line up at 5:00am to get into the store first as those people should probably be committed.

    6. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?
    My best friend’s birthday is December 15th so that’s an all important deadline.

    7. When do you decorate for the holidays?
    Next week we will get a tree and put up the lights. Isn’t it tacky to do it before Thanksgiving?

    8. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?
    I always want to buy more Christmas decor. I love glitter and lights. Thankfully, Dad likes things understated which keeps me from plugging in a dancing Santa on the front lawn.

    9. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?
    I’m single so I make my own schedule and I love it. It’s one of the many perks of not being tied down. I do look forward to owning my own home one day and planning holiday celebrations for a big family.

    10. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?
    If I know someone wants something I’ll try and figure out how to get it for them. I’m not a world famous recording artist so please don’t ask for a house, car, or pony.

  • 17. Sara  |  November 24, 2010 at 1:44 am

    I forgot my site! http://www.saraballen.com

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November 2010


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