Ten on Tuesday

October 13, 2009 at 9:23 am 17 comments

Here’s the deal. I’ve been battling a headache for three days. It’s been rainy here in Houston and for some reason when it rains, a hammer sneaks into my head (I assume by way of my ears) and knocks around my brain a bit. This leaves me grumpy and with a severe case of writer’s block. But you know me and you know that I’m not going to just NOT post. I’ve made this deal with myself to post everyday and I don’t think I could let myself down.

So I’ve come up with a cop-out idea. Ten on Tuesday. It’ll somehow involve ten. Ten questions, ten things, ten thoughts, etc. Today, ten questions. I will answer them but I’m much more interested in your answers. So answer in the comments or copy this list and put it in your blog and then leave the link in the comments.

1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
Lots and lots of designer shoes. And full access to a chiropractor. And back surgery.

2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
Glee, American Idol, Twitter, Barack Obama, Farmville

3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
Chips and queso, sour cream chicken enchiladas, refried black beans. And then a big hunk of chocolate cheesecake. And I’d prefer to die before the bloating and stomach aches set it.

4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
After Thanksgiving, on days when it’s below 75 outside. Never before.

5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
I’m not a fan of beards or mustaches. Goatees are okay, but not on my man. I don’t like to kiss sandpaper.

6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.
McDonald’s burgers and fries, Burger King’s onion rings.

7. What kind of soap do you use?
Some tropical Dial bar soap. And Niven Morgan Gold body wash. It’s amazing. I smelled it once in a boutique in Austin and I’m hooked. The lotion is a bit strong for my sensitive nose, but the body wash is perfect.

8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
You’ve Got Mail, Never Been Kissed, For Love of the Game, and come December 8 Julie & Julia. Underlying theme- writing and baseball.

9. Favorite beverage?
Non-alcoholic: water with lemon or Diet Coke with lime
Alcoholic: Raspberry mojitos or Blue River Riesling

10. What do you want for Christmas?
Realistically: a Le Creuset dutch oven and a massage. In my dreams: wood floors, dining room chairs, blinds, a very expensive pair of black heels that don’t hurt my feet, a sewing machine and sewing classes, a very very long nap.

Your turn.

Entry filed under: Blogging, Chelsea, Holidays, Rainy Day. Tags: , , , , .

Changing With The Times Happy 200th Post to Me (And You)!

17 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Sarah  |  October 13, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Selma Blair is apparently in Houston doing a play at the Alley Theatre. Who knew? (I only know this because I googled “Selma Blair; houston)

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    Shoes. And a bigger closet.

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    All of those stupid quizzes, surveys, etc. on Facebook, Twitter, Pocahontas boots/booties, neon ankle socks (I’m looking at you J.Crew)

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Flour tortillas, queso, sour cream. Macaroni & Cheese from Luby’s. Creamed spinach. Fried okra. Ballpark nachos.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    The friday after Thanksgiving.

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    Not into it. Although I dated a guy in college who had a goatee which in retrospect is really weird, because I find facial hair unsanitary

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King?
    Out of these two, McDonalds. Man, this makes me crave a quarter pounder with cheese.

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Whatever I buy at Target. I always pick something that smells nice and clean but not overly girly.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Love Actually, Wedding Crashers, You’ve Got Mail, The Thing About My Folks, The Family Stone, Juno, When Harry Met Sally

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: Diet Coke (from a fountain)
    Alcoholic: Side car

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    There are too many to list. If any of you who read this are interested in purchasing me something, I am more than happy to send you a list.

  • 2. Lindsay  |  October 13, 2009 at 11:19 am

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    nothing right now actually. maybe some GOOD jeans, but I’m still in school and I know I’ll for sure need it when I get out.

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    A Squeeler from Tookies, then a GIANT Pizzookie from BJ’s

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    December 1st…STOP on December 27th

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I like scruffy. Hate beards and mustaches

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.
    Burger King. Never McDonald’s

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Olay Ribbons

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    300, Green Street Hooligans, PS, I Love You

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: Water
    alcoholic: strawberry daiquiri

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    Realistically: a pad to draw on that shows the picture on my computer..so what I draw is immediately in digital format
    In my dreams: a new car

  • 3. Sarah Johnson  |  October 13, 2009 at 11:36 am

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase? Shopping Spree @ Container Store

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Skinny Jeans

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Samauri of Tokyo (Japanese Steakhouse) or Scott’s (burgers)(local restaurants). And I, like Lindsay, prefer to die before having to deal with what I just ate.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    After Thanksgiving; if you start too early, you get sick of it.

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I don’t mind it- just doesn’t feel too great when it’s not long or shaved because then it just hurts when you kiss them.

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Hand soap & shampoo and conditioner is from Bath & Body Works; I rotate beween body wash/loofa and bar soap and also rotate brands because I need change.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Dumb and Dumber, Pride and Prejudice, Ocean’s Movies

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Dr. Pepper or good swee tea

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    Straightener, running shoes, possibly a new Bible, and a new iPhone case.

  • 4. kelly  |  October 13, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    9. i’m still holding the bottle of riesling your brought to my apartment nearly a year ago hostage. i don’t care how inexpensive it is.

    10. i went to the marshall home store on w. gray in montrose last week. they had a bunch of le creuset stuff for half the price it normally is. check. it. out. i bought a huge red dutch oven…so naturally i’m only cooking soups/things that should be braised right now!

  • 5. Taryn E  |  October 13, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase? a closet full of Christian Leboutins and a tummy tuck 🙂

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Glee, Twitter, Jon Gosselin, Ed Hardy

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Ginormous quantities of chips, queso, and enchiladas and a piece of the CHeescake Factory’s new layered cheescake/red velevet cake.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    The day after thanksgiving. (i live in Florida… we can’t do the “days under 75 degrees” rule!)

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    yuck. no thanks.

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.
    McDonald’s, 100%. quarter pounder w/cheese, large fries, and a coke.

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    currently, exotic coconut from bath and body works.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of? monty python and the holy grail, dune, fifth element, stardust.

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: water or unsweet tea
    Alcoholic: any form of beer 🙂

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    in reality: a Roomba and a new hard drive for my computer
    In my dreams: new living room furniture, new dining room set, a vacation to Greece.

  • 6. Rachel  |  October 13, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    Large jackpot – A new house. Ours is too small now that there’s a 2 year old taking over.
    Smaller jackpot – Plane tickets to Houston, Chicago, and South Carolina

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Everything you listed plus taking pictures of yourself & friends with stupid “gangsta” faces (think peace signs with lips stuck out to the side)

    3. What would your last meal?
    Cheesecake – I’d eat the whole thing, so there’d be no need for anything else.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    Day after Thanksgiving… but its not Thanksgiving unless my grandma starts singing “Sleigh Bells” by that night.

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men? No.

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? I’ll go hungry, thank you.

    7. What kind of soap do you use? Coast, or a range of 4 different body gels.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of? Do the Friends season DVDs count? Otherwise: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Sleepless in Seattle, Hope Floats, Sweet Home Alabama,

    9. Favorite beverage? Fountain Diet Coke, Amaretto Sours

    10. What do you want for Christmas? A clean house.

  • 7. Maureen  |  October 13, 2009 at 4:28 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    A horse

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    The Bachelor and Bachelorette shows, twitter

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Chocolate fudge cake, cheese enchiladas, margarita

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    The day after Thanksgiving

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I love it! Especially since my husband has it!

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Usually whatever is on sale

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    So many, Overboard, A Walk to Remember, Yours, Mine, and Ours (The original one), You’ve Got Mail, And lots of Christmas movies

    9. Favorite beverage?
    water, diet coke, margarita

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    To win the lottery!

  • 8. Kyla Roma  |  October 13, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    Oh fun!

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    I would buy a farm, and buy rescue horses, donkeys, goats & pigs and nurse them back to health & give them the lives that all animals should be able to have.

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Twittering about TV shows while you’re watching them! So weird!

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    A burrito from Burrito Del Rio, a gourmet quick service place in my city that is heavenly.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    After US Thanksgiving… although as soon as it snows here I figure that’s really fair game, even if it’s kind of a coping mechanism lol

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I don’t mind men looking like the lead singer of Iron & Wine as long as I don’t have to kiss them.

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.
    BK! Or as I call it, Burgler King.

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Dove. It’s key.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Before Sunrise. It’s so lyrical and dreamy and such a beautiful idea of falling in love & only having one day together, if the ending wasn’t a little… less dreamy lol

    9. Favorite beverage?

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    I’ve been going between a new lens for my camera & saving up for a bloggers meet up, we’ll see =)

  • 9. Cio  |  October 13, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    shopping spree at Ikea!!! (and also DSW)

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Miley Cyrus, peep toe shoes, Skechers Shape ups

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    my ma’s mexican home cookin. (*sigh*, i miss home)

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    After Thanksgiving, or Christmas in July!

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I’m not a fan, but i could deal with it

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? McDonald fries. BK burgers

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    I’m currently looking for a soap that’s good on my sensitive skin, anything with a fragrance makes me break out…
    which is reallly sad cause i love the smells from Bath and Body works.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Signs, Stranger than Fiction, Episodes of Seinfeld : )

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: Sweet Tea (SOUTHERN STYLE)
    Alcoholic: Margarita, White Russians

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    The Canon 20D, with the Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L USM lens
    PLEASE LORD. or you know……winning the lottery would be nice.

  • 10. Mom  |  October 13, 2009 at 11:28 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase? Selfishly, new furniture/tables/rocker for the Bella house; new flooring for the NB house; someone to come paint/organize Chelsea’s old bedroom. Unselfishly, put it into a fund for my grandkids education

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    TWEETER …no TWITTER – What the heck is that???? Crazy stuff…

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Filet Mignon, medium rare with mushrooms marinated in wine and butter, baked sweet potato from Texas Land and Cattle and the choc decadent cake from Olive Garden

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    After Thanksgiving, DEFINITELY NOT before

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    Think it looks great on some but don’t want it on my man

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? NO thank you very much…

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Some good smelling AVON gel/creamer

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Sound of Music, Gone with the Wind, It’s a Wonderful Life and pretty much anything with Meg Ryan or Reese Witherspoon

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: Sweet Tea
    Alcoholic: a GOOD Margarita

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    My kiddos to be home with me!

  • 11. Ashley  |  October 13, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    I’m sorry for cheating, but (a) you have awesome taste in food. Of course I mean only that it’s right in line with mine. And, (b) no one understands Twitter until they give it a serious try. I have a blast talking to other bloggers that way.

  • 12. Lyndsey  |  October 14, 2009 at 8:46 am

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    Two houses in Austin. One for me and one for my parents.

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Any of the facebook games (farmtown, mafia wars), twitter (and I tried to get on board), jean shorts with the pockets hanging out the bottom, there are so many more….

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    An entire cake.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    I think the day after thanksgiving is the perfect time for christmas music. Dont get me wrong… I love Christmas. But I like every holiday to have it’s time of celebration before we move on to another holiday. It is like watching preseason football… HELLO the baseball playoffs are on.

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I do not feel good about it.

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.
    McDonalds. Always McDonalds

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    I usually get fancy soap in my stocking and for other random holidays.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    For the love of the game, sweet home alabama, how to lose a guy in 10 days, and several other romantic comedies.

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: coke. my waterbed is filled with coke.
    Alcoholic: Bud light or vodka tonic.

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    An iPhone, an entertainment center from my dad (he is almost finished building it), to see my family, and a coat. (it is really hard being an only child)

  • 13. osarah  |  October 14, 2009 at 1:51 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    Viva La Juicy perfume (my non-random ones? uh, paying off student loans and setting aside money to build our house)

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    What’s Farmville? Seriously.
    some younger fashion trends
    hmm what’s a current famous rapper? I don’t get him either.

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Chips and queso from Trudy’s, salsa from La Fogata, tortillas from Alamo Cafe along with their cheese enchiladas, an avocado margarita from Curra’s (along with a Trudy’s top shelf mex mart with some sort or Anejo tequila), and the fresh baked molten chocolate Godiva dessert from Eddie V’s. Yum.

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    in Texas? after Thanksgiving
    here? when it’s already in the 30s and low 40s? heck, I want to start now, but I’ll wait until after Thanksgiving or maybe the week right before Thanksgiving…

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    I feel the same way as you do on this one, Chelsea.

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.
    McDonald’s, not contest, especially in Europe

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    I use an Aromatherapy relaxation body wash from Bath & Body Works. When I’m not in the mood for that, I’ll use my sensual amber B&BW body wash. Third on my list is St. Ives oatmeal something or other. For handsoap, I really like B&BW’s cotton island (I think that’s what it’s called). It’s so soft and moisturizing and it smells great.

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    When Harry Met Sally, Sixteen Candles, Dr. Strangelove, Beauty & the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Pride & Prejudice

    9. Favorite beverage?
    Non-alcoholic: Perrier, coffee or Earl Grey tea with milk and honey
    Alcoholic: I can’t decide. We love French wines right now. However, I always love margaritas (especially those mentioned above) and mojitos.

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    Haha I loved your answers. I could go for all of that in some form or fashion as well. Especially the black heels. Today I wore some adorable black patent leather shoes that I got in August when we were home, and geez, I think my toes went numb.

    Hmm, what do I want? Realistically, I’d love some more work-appropriate winter clothing. I have like 2 shirts. I’m not sure what to do about this problem unless I receive the clothes as gifts. Hmm what else? *shrug* I told my mom I’d like my Real Simple subscription renewed for a year (not two).

  • 14. Lisa D  |  October 14, 2009 at 8:42 pm

    Fun! I am going to answer these over on my blog tomorrow. 🙂

  • 15. Jill  |  October 15, 2009 at 6:56 pm

    1. If you won the lottery, what would be your one random, off-the-wall purchase?
    Um…a nose job. I know, I’m vain.

    2. What is popular now that you just don’t get?
    Glee, skinny acid washed jeans.

    3. What would your last meal, you know, if you were ever about to be executed and you got to choose that sort of thing?
    Cheese fries, rolls and butter from TX Roadhouse, papa john’s pizza, Snickers cheesecake from the cheesecake factory, none of that goes together…

    4. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
    whenever I feel like it! 😛 (which has not yet happened)

    5. How do you feel about facial hair on men?
    no thanks. I’m especially not a fan of the stand-alone mustache. ick

    6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Those are the only two options.

    7. What kind of soap do you use?
    Cetaphil for my face, Lever 2000 for my body

    8. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?
    Sweet Home Alabama, You’ve Got Mail, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Office Space, Napoleon Dynamite, Wedding Crashers

    9. Favorite beverage?

    10. What do you want for Christmas?
    i haven’t really thought about it. An iPhone? A new couch? hmm

  • 16. Sue  |  December 7, 2009 at 8:35 am

    the first of my catchup posts!! I’m still trying to think of 10 good questions.

  • 17. Ten on Tuesday (27) « Simply Sarah  |  December 7, 2010 at 9:18 am

    […] on Tuesday started one fall evening over a year ago when Chelsea had a headache. Having experienced some awful bad migraines in my day, I totally understood her need to get a blog […]

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October 2009


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