Ten on Tuesday (25)

April 6, 2010 at 7:25 am 21 comments

This batch of questions was brought to you by my sister-in-law, Courtney. Click here to visit her blog!

1.  If you could travel back in time, would you?  What decade would you visit?
Yes, I would go back to the three years of Jesus’ ministry. I’d love to see Him face to face and listen to Him speak. How cool would that be?

2. What was your best Halloween costume?  (fun to make? most creative?)
I’m not very good at costumes. A few years ago Stephen and I went as Popeye and Olive Oyl. It was pretty fun and we got all the items from Goodwill. One Halloween when I was little, my mom, sister and I were Dalmatians. We were super cute. My mom even made us little dog tags.

3. Do you like your name?  If you weren’t called by your name, what would you want to be called?
Yes I do like my name. I love that it’s unique and I’ve only met a few people with the same name. People misspell it often but I’m okay with that. I’m just glad I never had to deal with the “which Ashley?” “which Jennifer?” “which Stephanie?” drama. A lot of these names probably seemed unique at the time and then all of a sudden…. BLAM….. there are 17 million Lindsays in your school. Stephen and I have been very intentional about picking unique names for our child.

4. In the past year, what is the BEST recipe you made.  Please share it!
Oh dear. That’s a touch one! I don’t have accurate notes of the past year! It seems lame and simple but probably PW’s Roasted Garlic and New Potatoes (<- That’s a link). They are SO easy but they are so so so stinking good. I’ve also made a few of her steak sauces and they were pretty fab- one with blue cheese (I think it’s on her website) and one with a whiskey cream sauce (I think it’s in her cookbook). Both winners. Also, funnel cakes. (And for whoever asked me “What’s a funnel cake??” a few weeks ago, you need to get yourself to a state fair ASAP! And consult The Google for details.)

5. Look around – what is the nearest object or picture hanging on the wall?
I’m sitting in my bed. Sadly, we don’t have anything hanging on our walls in our bedroom. How dumb is that?? So I’m going to have to say… curtains.

6. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?  Would you recommend it?
I don’t go to the movie very often so I have no clue! I hate spending $9 to see a movie that I can’t pause when I need a potty break! So we usually just get movies from RedBox. It’s very possible that the last one I saw in the theater was Julie & Julia.

7. Did you go to summer camp?  Will you/do you send your kids to camp?
Yes I did. I did a 3 day overnight camp a couple times and I did a week-long overnight camp a couple times. I will definitely encourage my kids to go to camp. I got to do some fun things and have some great memories. I’m assuming my kids will be high energy (you know their father…) so this will be a great way for them to play outside doing some activities that they may otherwise never have the change to do. Archery? The Blob? Yes please!

8. What kind of ringtone do you have?
One of the standard ones that Verizon offers. I’m not sure why you’d think I’m any cooler than that. Stephen has a few: The Office, Mario Brothers, and the Intermission from Monty Python. Honestly, I think anything besides “vibrate” is annoying.

9. Where is the farthest away from home you have ever been?
Probably Seattle.

10. Has anyone ever written a song or a poem for or about you? 
Actually yes. I briefly dated a guy in high school who was in college and “in a band.” Our short courtship happened to fall over either Valentine’s Day or my birthday and he wrote and recorded a song for me. It was sweet… but I think that being sung to is one of the most awkward things in the world. Luckily, he agreed. He had me listen to it while he left the room.

Good questions, Courtney!! Fun, easy, and I think we’ll learn a bit about each other with this one. If you have a batch to submit, send them to me: chelsea(at)rootsandrings(dot)com.

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Pregnant Pause – Week 16 Loser 9.12: Grab a mattress and jump in the tub!

21 Comments Add your own

  • 1. DebbieQ  |  April 6, 2010 at 7:53 am

    Oh ringtones. I have a different one for each family member. The progeny got me hooked on http://mobile17.com/. You can make your own ringtones (for free) with music that you have in itunes.

  • 2. Jana (sidetrack'd)  |  April 6, 2010 at 7:55 am

    We don’t have anything on our bedroom walls either; not even curtains, just the blinds.

    Thanks for hosting; this is so much fun each week!

  • 3. Sidetrack’d » Blog Archive » Ten on Tuesday #25  |  April 6, 2010 at 7:55 am

    […] time for another edition of Ten on Tuesday. I didn’t participate last week because I ran out of time before we went to the zoo and never […]

  • 4. Southern Gal  |  April 6, 2010 at 8:06 am

    1. If you could travel back in time, would you? What decade would you visit?
    I’m with you Chelsea. Seeing Jesus when he ministered would be amazing.

    2. What was your best Halloween costume? (fun to make? most creative?)
    My mama was great with costumes. I remember being a cat one year. My tail got caught in the door on the way out and I didn’t realize it until I got back home.

    My mama and daddy were Daisy May and Lil Abner one year. That has to be my all time favorite couples costume. (I still have the costumes in my closet. My mom made them herself.)

    3. Do you like your name? If you weren’t called by your name, what would you want to be called?
    I like my name. It’s unique. Only one other girl in my school years had my name. (And I’m horrible at picking names. I only knew one other Jacob when I named my son that. And that Jacob was 11 years old!! The year after he was born every boy in our county was named Jacob. The same thing happened with Ethan. Didn’t know a soul and then BAM! Number one on the most popular boys names list.)

    4. In the past year, what is the BEST recipe you made. Please share it!
    I cook all the time so I have no idea. Probably PW’s Mashed Potatoes – that’s what my hubby would pick.

    5. Look around – what is the nearest object or picture hanging on the wall?
    A photo collage of our family. It needs to be updated since Ethan is now 8 years old and he’s five months old in the collage.

    6. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Would you recommend it?
    The Blind Side. Yes, I would highly recommend it.

    7. Did you go to summer camp? Will you/do you send your kids to camp?
    Never. Our summer camp consisted of lazy days on the lake in our summer home. Skiing, boating, swimming and generally having a blast!

    8. What kind of ringtone do you have?
    Regular ring. But my son’s ring tone for his girlfriend is “Hello Seattle” so I’m constantly singing that song in my head. (Can you tell his girlfriend calls a lot? We love her.)

    9. Where is the farthest away from home you have ever been?
    Trout Run, PA (Upper Pennsylvania)

    10. Has anyone ever written a song or a poem for or about you?
    Not that I know of. Oh, take that back. High school sorority initiation. It was a horrible poem I had to recite about myself (and my future husband) in front of everyone from school. Why did I feel I had to be in that crowd?

    That was fun. Thanks.

  • 5. Debbie  |  April 6, 2010 at 8:08 am

    I’m with you on the ringtones!! Oh and I loved your answer on summer camps. Did you ever see “Heavyweights” with THE BLOB? Sooooo funny, love that movie! 🙂 Not many people have seen it but since you mentioned the Blob, thought I would check.

    Hope you’re feeling okay! No migraines and no throat/heart burn! 🙂

  • 6. deiala  |  April 6, 2010 at 8:27 am

    Really nice questions. though my answers are pretty lame

  • 7. Stacie  |  April 6, 2010 at 8:56 am

    Dang, I totally misunderstood number 1. Your answer wins. Seeing Jesus would be awesome.

  • 8. Angela  |  April 6, 2010 at 8:57 am

    I love hearing other people’s ringtones, because to be honest, most of the time I’m laughing at them. Some people just have the most random ones that would never seem to fit their personalities!

  • 9. ashnmatt2011  |  April 6, 2010 at 9:46 am

    nice questions. i admit we started using our own questions but that means we can come steal from you when our readers don’t send us anything =D

    also just a heads up, i actually sent you some questions today. hopefully you get them!

  • 10. Kara  |  April 6, 2010 at 10:50 am

    It’s funny, I went to school with a couple Chelsea’s and worked at the grocery store with a couple more! They spelled their names in various ways.

  • 11. jenferlouise  |  April 6, 2010 at 11:29 am

    Oh, the Blob! It was always scary, no matter how many times I climbed up that unstable, wooden ladder. The jump was terrifying. And the wait … oh the wait to have someone jump and propel you into the air.

    I love the Blob. 🙂

  • 12. nana (Mom)  |  April 6, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    1. If you could travel back in time, would you? What decade would you visit?
    Ditto on your answer Chels…

    2. What was your best Halloween costume? (fun to make? most creative?)
    I HATE HALLOWEEN because I am not creative and I can’t sew so I ALWAYS dreaded when that time of year came!!!!! A dear friend of mine made my husband and I Fred and Wilma Flinstones costumes. And when I was pregnant with Chelsea (8 months), I went as a bunch of purple grapes – balloons all over me and painted my face purple.

    3. Do you like your name? If you weren’t called by your name, what would you want to be called?
    I am named after my mom so I guess so now. I hated it when I was younger though. And I ALWAYS got kidded about it because my name is the same as the town where I grew up
    4. In the past year, what is the BEST recipe you made. Please share it!
    Hmmmm not sure I have many. Made a few of Pioneer Woman’s recipes and they were good. Her Sheet Cake is great.

    5. Look around – what is the nearest object or picture hanging on the wall?
    I’m sitting at my daughter Lindsay’s computer, so lots and lots of pictures of her and her friends.

    6. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Would you recommend it?
    Blind Side – yes, definitely go see it.

    7. Did you go to summer camp? Will you/do you send your kids to camp?
    Yes I did. I went to Camp Shawandawsee for several summers. It was a girl scout camp Also church camp once or twice.

    8. What kind of ringtone do you have?

    9. Where is the farthest away from home you have ever been?

    10. Has anyone ever written a song or a poem for or about you? My dear husband writes me limericks sometimes for my birthday/mother’s day/anniversary cards. He’s cool….

    P.S. Is Seattle further away from here than our cruise destinations?

  • 13. Taryn E  |  April 6, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    1. Yes, I would really love to go back to Ancient Rome. I would love to see the Colusseum intact!

    2. When I was little, my mom dressed me up as a Christmas tree.. it was super cute! As an adult, my favorite costumes Rob and I did were to dress up as the Burger King and Wendy (you know, with the red pigtails, from the hamburger place?) 🙂

    3. Yes, I like my name. No one ever spells or pronounces it right, but at least its super original! I don’t think I’d want to be called anything else, but I do have a lot of nicknames.

    4. Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate ganache that I made for Valentine’s Day… yum!!!!!

    5. Since I’m in my office, I have a ton of pictures up. The closest one is the one of me and Luke that I had taken for his first birthday.

    6. I haven’t been to the movies in forever…. we saw Avatar over Christmas. It was soooo good. The visuals are amazing!

    7. I never really went to a summer camp (always went to camp on class trips, though.) As a family, we usually spent our summers going to missouri to see grandparents or going on a camping trip to one of the national parks. Fun times! I would probably send Luke to summer camp though.

    8. Depends on who’s calling… Rob’s is “Hey, Good-Lookin”, Dad’s is dialogue from the monty python & Holy Grail movie, Mom’s is the music from the fairy fountain in Zelda, and everyone else’s is the theme from Star Wars.

    9. San Diego or Rochester. Although, driving alone from Rochester to the Florida Keys was a trek.

    10. Thank God, no.

  • 14. Emmie aka MIL  |  April 6, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    1. If you could travel back in time, would you? What decade would you visit?
    Absolutely! I’d go back and meet my great great grandparents, and other grandparents I never had the chance to meet. I’d love to go back to the 1940s. Only for a day here and there.

    2. What was your best Halloween costume? (fun to make? most creative?)
    Without a doubt when Stephen was 20 months old, I dressed him like his dad. I made him a beard and moustache out of black construction paper, a little tie, and a briefcase out of a lunchbox. It was the BEST. He looked like a mini John. So cute!

    3. Do you like your name? If you weren’t called by your name, what would you want to be called?
    I like it now, but I’ve been called so many versions of it, Marlene, Mooreen, Murine, MAreen, marcie, marlena, some people who I’ve known for years still call me Marlene. It’s MAUREEN, there is no “L” in my name. I don’t really know what else I’d want to be called.

    4. In the past year, what is the BEST recipe you made. Please share it!
    beef tenderloin, and mashed potatoes, and probably the homemade spice cake

    5. Look around – what is the nearest object or picture hanging on the wall?
    The frame Chelsea and Stephen gave me from Baby Hurst!!!!!

    6. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Would you recommend it?
    I also don’t go to the movies often, I hate the crowds there. I did go see Blindside last, and it was fantastic! So yes, I would recommend it!

    7. Did you go to summer camp? Will you/do you send your kids to camp?
    I went to girlscout camp and I did like it. Courtney did not, would not go to camp, and I always worried about sending my kids to camp, so no, they didn’t go. Stephen and Heather went on campouts with boy scouts, and Indian princesses.

    8. What kind of ringtone do you have?
    church bells

    9. Where is the farthest away from home you have ever been?

    10. Has anyone ever written a song or a poem for or about you?
    My husband has written a couple…he is sweet

  • 15. Tabaitha Kaye  |  April 6, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    Traveling back to the days of Jesus’ ministry was up there for me. And I agree about paying money to go to the movies. I only go if I have a gift card.

  • 16. brandilicious  |  April 6, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    Those potatoes sound uh-mazing. Thanks for the link 🙂

  • 17. Lisa D  |  April 6, 2010 at 6:34 pm

    I have never made a Pioneer Woman recipe, and I really need to. Everyone raves about them!! I love potatoes, so maybe that will be my first recipe that I try!

    Yeah, there are a TON of Lisa’s. It was such a popular name in the 80s.

    Can’t wait to hear what you are going to name Baby Hurst!!

  • 18. Fuegita  |  April 6, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    mmmmmm those potatoes sound delicious! I’ll have to try them sometime

  • 19. Kaitlin  |  April 7, 2010 at 1:44 am

    PW’s roasted garlic potatoes sound delious have you tried her apple pie in a cast iron skillet? OMG soooo good!!!

  • 20. Courtney  |  April 7, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    Someone out there doesn’t know what a funnel cake is?!?! For SHAME!

    Oh, and I sent a bunch of ?s to your ‘contact me’ thing. Did you get them…?

  • 21. 10 On Tuesday….On Wednesday « Erika Blogs  |  April 7, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    […] April 7, 2010 by Erika I am aware that it is, in fact, Wednesday. However, I didn’t have a chance to post yesterday. Work is slow, so I figured….why not? Want to participate? Go here. […]

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