Ten on Tuesday (34)

June 15, 2010 at 7:15 am 17 comments

This week’s questions are from a variety of people. If you remember, I was a slacker a few weeks ago and didn’t do a ToT. Instead I asked for some questions. This is what we ended up with!

1. What would the title of your autobiography be?
Title: Why Are You Reading This?
Subtitle: My Blog Is So Much More Interesting

2. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say or seen him/her do?
On the post where I asked for questions, I told a story about a little boy who said that his tummy was full of what was on his plate but he thought his tongue and molars could really want a brownie. I thought that was pretty funny.

3. What is your favorite kids game to play?
It says “is”… it doesn’t say “was.” So that’s assuming I still play kids’ games which I don’t really. I played  Skipbo about a year ago and I love that game. I can’t really think of any kids’ games that I play. I’m boring.

4. If you got invited to a potluck BBQ tomorrow, what would you bring?
Considering the fact that I don’t really want to go to the grocery store, I’d make the pasta and chicken salad that’s currently on our menu this week. It’s easy and delicious.

What you need (everything is optional except the pasta and some sort of dressing): spiral pasta, sliced carrots, cherry tomatoes, chicken, red peppers, dressing (something oil based dressing with parmesan or romano in it).

Boil your pasta. In a big bowl, mix your pasta with all your other ingredients. My mom adds olives but I don’t like olives so I don’t add that. Pour some dressing over the top and mix. We like to eat it cold.

5. If your ears are pierced, how old were you when you got your ears pierced?
Umm,  13 maybe? My parents’ rule was that we could get our ears pierced after we got confirmed. (I’m Lutheran, so that’s around the age 13.) I got second holes when I was like 16ish and then my cartilage when I was 17ish. Then I took them all out. I can’t wear earrings in my earlobes because my ears are too sensitive. I’ve repierced my cartilage several times but it’s currently closed.

I don’t understand babies and little kids with pierced ears. (If you pierced your child’s ears I don’t mean to offend you. It’s just my opinion on the matter.) I agree with my parents on this one. Getting your ears pierced is a privilege and something to earn. Plus, it’s jewelry! You don’t put necklaces and rings on toddlers, why earrings?

6. If you were celebrating your 30th anniversary, where would you want to go?
Assuming I had an abundance of time and money? Probably Greece. If I didn’t have time or money? A winery with a cute nearby B&B. Or if we are still in the same financial boat as we are now (ohpleaseGodIhopenot!) then we’ll be going to my parents’ beach house for the weekend like we currently do.

7. What one blogger would you love to meet and why? And what would you want to plan to do with them?
After my experience meeting PW at the book signing (<- link), the thought doesn’t thrill me anymore. I’d just get really excited and then be a fool and it would all be over. So I’m not going to pick a famous blogger. I think I’d choose Molly. (Her name is a link but her blog may be private, not sure.)

Here’s the story. Molly went to high school with my husband. They were semi-friends I suppose. I don’t know much about their friendship except that one time Stephen said something mean to Molly so she slapped him. Molly is also really good friends with a friend of mine from Austin, Christine. When Christine got married, Molly was IN the wedding and Stephen and I were AT the wedding. We met briefly but I don’t remember it well because 1) I had a migraine and 2) I didn’t know I would need to remember this quick greeting.

Then Christine started a blog. (Not sure if it’s public so I’m not leaving the link.) I’m a certified blog stalker so I visited everyone on her blogroll… which included Molly. I started stalking Molly and her husband, John, because they are funny. One day she wrote a post asking who the heck these readers were. She could see hits but wasn’t getting many comments and was curious. (I’m also always curious… I welcome you lurkers to show your face!) So I announced myself. She responded with her own confession – she’s been stalking my blog for months.

And now we are readers, not stalkers. And we email and send Christmas cards. And I got a birth announcement when she had her son, Jack. It is on our refrigerator and Stephen often says, “I cannot believe Molly MaidenName’s baby’s picture is on our fridge. So random!”

ALL THAT to say that I want to re-meet Molly! In fact, quoted from her email yesterday in which she dreams of meeting me, Lauren, and Taryn: “I am definitely going to come to Houston one day and we are going to have a blog get-together. Jansen and Jack can be playing in the yard while we chat about the hilarious things the Trumans did and how Lauren is enjoying Green Acres. Oh the fun that will be had!”

That was a long answer.

8. On a scale from 1-10, how good at you at home decor? (Pictures welcome.)
About a 5. Maybe even a 4. I’d show you pictures but I’m too lazy. Maybe I’ll devote an entire post to my subpar decorating skills. Because that would be thrilling.

9. Do you have good fingernails?
Yes I do. They are strong and grow like weeds. People often ask me if they are real and how I keep them all the same length.

10. Pickles: Dill or sweet? Baby, spears, or chips? Plain or on a burger?
Dill. I’m pregnant… so I like them any way. My favorite way to eat a pickle is a fried pickle chip dipped in ranch dressing. That’s just Heavenly! But I also love those little baby pickles straight out of the jar.

A nice hodge podge of questions, huh? Feel free to add another question or two below. If I have more than 5, I’ll do another group set in a couple weeks. If you want to submit a full set, email me at chelsea (at) rootsandrings (dot) com.

Here’s Mr. Linky, play along!

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Pregnant Pause – Week 26 Whiskers On Kittens

17 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Joy  |  June 15, 2010 at 7:34 am

    Linky doesn’t seem to be taking the link~tried twice (so if it shows up twice ~sorry)


    Thanks again!

  • 2. Stacie  |  June 15, 2010 at 8:32 am

    My coworkers twin daughters’ ears were pierced at 8 months. They kept snagging on their blankets! But I think it helped them tell the two of them apart.

  • 3. Lisa from Lisa's Yarns  |  June 15, 2010 at 9:31 am

    I should have made the kids game a was/is question (I think that one was mine). Now that I have nephews in the 3-6 yr old range, I play a lot of kids games, so I guess I had that point of reference in mind when I suggested that question!

    I agree on the ear piercing thing, too. I think it’s odd to pierce a baby’s ears… I don’t know how my parents came up w/ the arbitrary age of 3rd grade, but that was the age they picked for all of the girls in my family.

  • 4. Tabaitha  |  June 15, 2010 at 9:43 am

    I agree on a trip to Greece for the 30th Anniversary. That’s where I said too.

    I used to think that way about getting ears pierced at a young age, until I had my daughter. I can definitely see your point and that was my point before I took her. I decided to do it because I wasn’t that great at cleaning around my earings like I was supposed to and I would always play with them. More risk for infection. Since she was so young, she doesn’t play with them constantly and they healed much faster. But like I said, I see your point.

  • 5. Stefanie  |  June 15, 2010 at 10:05 am

    Hello, my name is Stefanie. I’m one of your blog stalkers. I started reading your blog because Lauren from Texas links to you from time to time. I read Laurens blog because I used to work with her and follow her on Twitter. If I remember correctly, the first time I visited your blog, she linked to a post of yours about chocolate chip banana muffins and I made them and they were delish. Cheers!

  • 6. Taryn  |  June 15, 2010 at 10:40 am

    1. HowI managed to live away from all friends and family for over 14 years. 🙂

    2. I’m currently stuck on how Luke is currently saying “shirt” and “Sit”. LOL… it takes all I can do to not laugh when it comes out as “sh*t”.

    3. Apples to Apples.

    4. Cake or homemade mac salad.

    5. I think I was in 5th or 6th grade when I got them pierced the first time. Got a 2nd hole sometime in high school. In college I got the top cartilage of my left ear pierced twice. My earlobes are really sensitive, so I almost never wear earrings. I only wear ones in the cartilage on a daily basis.

    6. If $$ was no object, I’d want to travel Europe or go diving in Tahiti. If we were living like we are now, just a cruise somewhere, maybe Alaska.

    7. Chelsea! I went to high school with her brother Justin. I know her mom and dad; they know my parents, Chelsea goes to bible study on Mondays with my mom…. but we’ve never actually met! 🙂

    8. Maybe an 8. I don’t have the $$ to do the decor I want, but I think I have a pretty good eye for color and pictures and stuff.

    9. I do, but I always used to chew on them. To keep myself from doing that, I always clip them really short. Then I played rugby for a stretch of years, and you have to keep them short. The only time I let them grow was when I was pregnant (good for scratching!) I cut them a couple days after Luke was born!

    10. Dill, always dill. Lately I’ve really been into the long, thin sandwich slices. But I’m with Chelsea… nothing beats a fried pickle!!

  • 7. 10 on Tuesday | Live, Breathe, Shine  |  June 15, 2010 at 10:55 am

    […] 10 on Tuesday Ten on Tuesday […]

  • 8. mom (nana)  |  June 15, 2010 at 11:32 am

    1. What would the title of your autobiography be?
    No clue…sorry…brain fart on this one

    2. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say or seen him/her do?
    On the post where I asked for questions, I told a story about a little boy who said that his tummy was full of what was on his plate but he thought his tongue and molars could really want a brownie. I thought that was pretty funny. Ditto to that one – Leo was so funny. Also, when my son Justin was young, about 5 or 6, he said, “Is there a Santa, Mom?” I said, “well, what do you think?” (Not going to spoil if I didn’t need to)…He said, “well, yes, I believe there must be because you and daddy could never afford the stuff I get!” Yep, you are right!

    3. What is your favorite kids game to play?
    I loved Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. I also played Concentration a whole whole lot. But of course we played with just a regular deck of cards – nothing fancy. Also played Spoon quite a bit. Fun

    4. If you got invited to a potluck BBQ tomorrow, what would you bring?
    probably the black bean/corn/tomato/cilantro dip that Jean Carr makes

    5. If your ears are pierced, how old were you when you got your ears pierced? Think I was 13 or so. My sister’s friend put an ice cube on my lobe and stuck a needle through it and da dum….there it was.
    Where I grew up, the hispanic culture pierced their babies’ ears so I saw a lot of that.

    6. If you were celebrating your 30th anniversary, where would you want to go?
    Definitely Greece – I have wanted to go there for a long time. Of course it would have to be a loooong trip cause there is so much to see. Italy would be the next best place

    7. What one blogger would you love to meet and why? And what would you want to plan to do with them?
    bad question for me cause I don’t read blogs other than Chelsea’s and I ALREADY KNOW HER! 🙂

    8. On a scale from 1-10, how good at you at home decor? (Pictures welcome.)
    No pictures from me because, even if I wanted to, I DON”T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT!. I would say I am about a 6 – I could be better if I just spent some money to do some things but just can’t bring myself to do it. I am a procrastinator at that stuff too.

    9. Do you have good fingernails?
    No No No….fragile and brittle….

    10. Pickles: Dill or sweet? Baby, spears, or chips? Plain or on a burger?
    DEFINITELY dill. ewwww to sweet pickles….Yuk Yuk Yuk!! Like them plain and love them on a burger

  • 9. Kara  |  June 15, 2010 at 11:45 am

    I REALLY want to try fried pickles now. They sound so amazing, and anything dip in Ranch dressing is even more amazing 🙂

    And as for a question, “What does your favourite coffee mug look like?”

  • 10. Mama Fuss  |  June 15, 2010 at 12:56 pm

    You must be better than that at decorating because look how pretty your nursery is turning out!

    And the ears pierced thing: I don’t agree with it, but babies have a lower memory for pain, so while it hurts them initially (as it does us all) the theory is that they won’t remember as long as an old person, so if they will likely do it in the future, why not do it now? (same concept w/ doing circumcision on a boy who is very new born – it hurts, but then they get past it quickly).

  • 11. Nora  |  June 15, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    Very clever name for your autobiography. I like it 🙂

    I think Greece or Italy would be my vacation destination of choice for sure!

  • 12. Shana  |  June 15, 2010 at 1:46 pm

    De-lurking here, in Gainesville, FL, BIG FAN! I never did participate in your book swap and I am total slacker for that, fo’ sho’. Always enjoy you, and found you by way of Shaba, I think, at ablogofherown.wordpress. I THINK. 🙂

  • 13. Debbie  |  June 15, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    I love Skipbo and I’m so with you on the “earning” the ears pierced thing!! Also, have you noticed your nails have gotten stronger while you’ve ben pregnant! I had the best nails for about 9 months….now, back to being brittle. 😦

  • 14. Kaitlynn  |  June 15, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    #2 – Once I saw a little girl (maybe 3?) taking a walk with her mom. The little girl would run ahead and every time she ran her pink sweatpants would fall down, revealing a completely bare bottom. Her mom would laugh and say “Pull up your pants!” and she’d stop, pull them up and start running again and the whole thing would repeat. She mooned me probably 6 more times. It was possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

  • […] 15, 2010 by Erika It is, once again, time for ten on Tuesday! Go here to […]

  • 16. Taryn M. Peine  |  June 16, 2010 at 10:56 am

    I too think Molly is hilarious and have been wanting to meet her in person! It should coincide with when Jansen is born so I can meet all the babies at once 🙂

  • 17. Courtney  |  June 18, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    Totally with you on the ear piercing with babies. It was a privledge for me and it will be as well if I ever have a girl.

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June 2010


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