Ten on Tuesday (35)

June 22, 2010 at 7:15 am 21 comments

Today’s questions come from Angela at Craving Cupcakes (<- link). This is her second time to contribute a set of questions. Thanks Angela!

1. If you could trade lives with another blogger for a day, who would it be and why?
We may all have the same answer for this one. My answer? Pioneer Woman. Why? Because I want to play in her kitchen! OH! Or maybe Bakerella so I could see how it feels to be so stinking talented! 

2. Do you prefer receiving handmade or store bought gifts? Be honest!
Depends. I do love handmade items. There is a lot of love in them. To this day, one of the coolest gifts I’ve ever gotten was hand-knit socks from DebbieQ (<- link). But not everyone is talented! Sometimes it’s nice to get a gift card or a book or something else.

3. Would you rather camp or stay in a hotel?
Absolutely no contest. HOTEL. I hate camping. I’m such a picky sleeper that I am awake all night. I need a bed and white noise and a fan. Oh and a bathroom with toilet paper.

4. What’s your favorite comfort food?
My mom’s meatloaf. Nobody else’s meatloaf, just my mom’s. Although she doesn’t have to make it, it just needs to be her recipe. Luckily it’s not a secret so she’s given the recipe to me and I’ve made it a few hundred times. I especially love to make mini meatloaves by the boatload and freeze them in small disposable foil tins, two loaves per pan.

5. You’re having a really bad day at work. How do you unwind when you come home?
I sit in front of the tv. If I have a really bad day, I get the remote without any fight. And I usually eat some ice cream or make brownies or something like that. If I’m really tired, stressed, and grumpy then I don’t cook. We’ll either eat frozen pizza or go to dinner.

6. What’s your favorite chore? (Or, the chore you hate the least)
I don’t really mind cleaning showers. Get the shower wet, sprinkle Comet, scrub with a big brush. Ba-da-bing. Sparkly shower! Or maybe I should say making dinner. That’s a chore, right? I don’t mind that, either.

7. What got you interested in blogging?
I didn’t know that this blogging world existed. I had no idea that there were so many people out there that wrote on the internet! What’s more, I didn’t know that strangers read other strangers’ blogs. I had heard of blogging and my friend Kelly used to read Taryn’s blog (<- link). I read her’s a few times and thought, “Hmm, I should start one. I’ve always enjoyed writing. This could be a non-threatening way to do it. And I’ll make my family read it.” So I did. I posted it on Facebook and emailed my family. And somehow strangers started reading it and I made all these internet friends. Who knew?

8. Are you currently reading a book? What is it?
Baby Wise. It has come highly recommended by several people. It seems like common sense, for the most part. I don’t like reading it because it is making me tired. It makes me think about all the work ahead of me. Yes, I know it’ll all be worth it. But right now I am tired and I don’t want to think about taking care of another human being.

9. Do you have a favorite artist?

10. Have you ever met someone famous?
Yes. In 8th grade I went with my friend to Seattle for the opening of Safeco Field. Her dad grew up with Jay Buhner. That was back when Griffey and Alex Rodriguez were on the team. For a baseball lover, it was Heaven. I’ve also met Augie Garrido (baseball coach for UT) several times. Not sure if you include him or not. I do. I’ve also met several Astros at fan fest events. I don’t think I’ve met any famous non-athletes.

If you’d like to submit a batch of questions, send them to me at chelsea @ rootsandrings. com. (Remove the spaces.) You can submit even if you don’t participate. It’s always fun to get random questions!

Here’s Mr. Linky.

Entry filed under: Ten on Tuesday. Tags: .

Pregnant Pause – Week 27 Open The Vent, She’s Steaming

21 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Jana (sidetrack'd)  |  June 22, 2010 at 7:58 am

    I love that your famous people are all baseball related. As a fellow baseball fan, that’s really neat.

  • 2. Lisa from Lisa's Yarns  |  June 22, 2010 at 8:35 am

    Mmmmm, meatloaf sounds reallly good right now. I have not had that in a LONG time! That is sort of an ultimate comfort food, esp if it’s served with mashed potatoes.

  • 3. Joy  |  June 22, 2010 at 8:36 am

    I’m also curious how many people are going to answer Pioneer Woman to question #1.

    Thanks again!!

  • 4. Angela  |  June 22, 2010 at 8:56 am

    I almost put Bakerella or PW for #1, but figured it would be a popular answer and tried to be different!
    Cooking is my most hated chore.

  • 5. Stacie  |  June 22, 2010 at 9:12 am

    HA! I get in trouble because I don’t clean the shower.

    I would also like to be Pioneer Woman…so I can watch the cowboys….Ooooo.

  • 6. Debbie  |  June 22, 2010 at 9:52 am

    I wish I loved cleaning the shower as much as you do. My husband finally broke down and cleaned ours this past weekend b/c it was getting pretty dingy. Happy Father’s Day to him!! Ha.

    Also, pretty sure I could have just used your exact answers for 1, 3, 5 and 9.

  • 7. MASHley  |  June 22, 2010 at 10:26 am

    ash – ugh. i hate cleaning the shower. well only the one at my apartment actually. the bathroom is semi-tiny meaning the smell of chemicals gets really strong (despite me leaving the door open). it drives my allergies CRAZY

  • 8. Alyssa  |  June 22, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Mmm now you have me hungry for meatloaf! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your comment, I’ve been awful about getting around to visit other ones and since yours is WordPress and mine is Blogger, it won’t let me add you to my blog list! That makes me sad. Good luck with the last trimester!

  • 9. Nora  |  June 22, 2010 at 11:19 am

    MMmmm. Meatloaf! I want a mini-one. Sounds divine right about now.

    I love doing laundry. That’s one of my favorite things to do my ever. Which makes me crazy, probably. =)

  • 10. Rachel  |  June 22, 2010 at 11:44 am

    You sort of met Mark McGrath. 🙂

    I just finished the book The Help. AmazING. I loved it.

    I’m happy you’re reading babywise. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me. So much of it is common sense. That said, you have to do what works for your family.

    I don’t mind dusting. I HATE dishes/cleaning the kitchen. If I could cook without cleaning up after myself, I’d be in heaven.

  • 11. Meghan  |  June 22, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    Psht. Camping is THE BEST. I hate stewing in other people’s grossness. I just lay there all night imagining what the last people did in the bed that I AM TRYING TO SLEEP IN RIGHT NOW. Terrible. Give me a sleeping bag any night. Heck, I don’t even need a tent.

  • 12. Mama Fuss  |  June 22, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    I haven’t read Babywise yet because I heard a bunch of negative stuff from some internet reviewer and then a couple of my friends told me their experiences with it, so I’m planning on reading it next. I just know that the schedule they put forward can be intimidating for a lot of people and should be used more as guidelines than as a rule. I love the Baby Whisper for tips (again, the rhythm she sets forth is a good guideline, but shouldn’t be adhered to as a hard and fast rule) and also the 5 S’s from The Happiest Baby on the Block. If you ever read Ask Moxie (my favorite parenting advice site – askmoxie.org) she suggests that you “read all the parenting books or none” because every child is so different. I read several and took pieces of advice from each one.

  • 13. Brandi  |  June 22, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    oooh, I could totally go for meatloaf right now!

  • 14. Jenn  |  June 22, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    I love these questions!! he he!! I hopped over from Abby’s blog …
    but I think I have been here before!! =)
    I love PW and Bakerella ~ they are my inspiration to pick up cooking and baking again after kids wore me out!! haha! having picky eaters didn’t help! I love My meatloaf and no one else’s!! =) too funny ~ I am making meatloaf tonight! sorry… I love camping.. but hotels are needed sometimes! =) are you the Chelsea I met from the capital city of Wa? =)

  • 15. DebbieQ  |  June 22, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    Meatloaf! We had that last week and I love it. And thanks for the mention. I might be working on something else for you….maybe….we will see.

  • 16. Katie  |  June 22, 2010 at 3:40 pm

    I totally forgot about cooking as a chore! That can be good or bad for me. If I have all the ingredients for what I want then it’s all good!

  • 17. Emmie  |  June 22, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    1. If you could trade lives with another blogger for a day, who would it be and why?
    I’m not into blogging, so no one. I love reading Chelsea’s blog, and my daughter’s when she is doing it, but that is about it.

    2. Do you prefer receiving handmade or store bought gifts? Be honest!
    Either one! I loved the stocking Courtney made me one year, and the scrapbook Chelsea and Stephen made for our 25th wedding anniversary, on the other hand, I loved my new nespresso coffee maker that my niece Brigitte gave me for my birthday, so I’d have to say both.

    3. Would you rather camp or stay in a hotel?

    4. What’s your favorite comfort food?
    ice cream

    5. You’re having a really bad day at work. How do you unwind when you come home?
    Come home, sit on the couch, get on the computer, and watch tv

    6. What’s your favorite chore? (Or, the chore you hate the least)
    Watching my roomba vacuum! 🙂

    7. What got you interested in blogging?
    Chelsea, and Courtney

    8. Are you currently reading a book? What is it?
    I just finished reading The Help, and I loved it! I listened to the first part of it on CDs, which was great, but I’m not in the car enough, so had to finish reading the book.

    9. Do you have a favorite artist?
    Larry McEntire

    10. Have you ever met someone famous?
    My senior year in high school, I met Wolfman Jack. I met Don Nelson at Costco a couple of months ago, 2nd time I’ve met him, and he is just like he appears, super nice. And there used to be a Houston Rocket here named Jim Peterson, we met him at the movies, we were seeing “Big” and I got his autograph. And a few others who are local celebrities.

  • 18. Erika  |  June 22, 2010 at 10:34 pm

    Fun! I’m a huge Mariners fan (I live in Seattle so I guess that makes sense). Safeco is so much fun….especially on a sunny day. Definitely beats the old Kingdome! Currently, I’m sad that Griffey retired. I definitely remember the Jay Buhner and Alex Rodriguez days. Oh, and Randy Johnson he was one of my favorites.

  • 19. Brittany  |  June 23, 2010 at 1:36 am

    I have never been to Pioneer Woman’s blog. Apparently I need to make a visit!!

  • 20. Taryn  |  June 23, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    1. PW. I want her kitchen and her photography skills

    2. Kind of depends. I love homemade gifts, like the scrapbooks my mom has made me!! But I’m not gonna say NO to a Target giftcard 🙂

    3. I don’t mind hotels, but I love to go camping. Spent a week in Zion national Park my junior year of college with the Outdoor Adventures group. No showers for a week. It was interesting. 🙂

    4. Anything that involves homemade stuffing.

    5. I have a two year old. I don’t get to unwind til he goes to bed!
    I sit outside with the neighbors and chat while all our kids play. Then when luke goes to bed, i can sit down and watch tv or play the Wii.

    6. cooking. cleaning bathrooms isn’t bad either, b/c i keep up with it a lot. I don’t mind doing our floors either, now that I have a steam mop.

    7. I dunno. Just started reading a few, which led to a few more 🙂

    8. The Passage by Justin Cronin. It’s very strange… vampire virus taking over the world and stuff.

    9. MC Escher.

    10. A ton of the UFC fighters and Dana White, President of the UFC. Bruce Buffer (the UFC announcer).

  • 21. Courtney  |  June 24, 2010 at 2:25 am

    thinking about trading places with PDub makes me want to raid her fridge for leftovers. now i’m hungry…

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June 2010


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