Archive for December 21, 2009

Voting, Christmas, and Hot Godly Men

I’m pretty sure God intended me to have a blog so that I could share the hilarity of my life with people I don’t know. I share stories about Stephen on a regular basis but you don’t hear about other members of my family that often. Today is your lucky day.

Stephen was in a wedding over the weekend and I was kicked out of the house one night so that the groomsmen could drink beer and play poker without any women-folk interfering. So I stayed at my parents house a few blocks over. Sunday morning we were in the kitchen, about to head off to church. My mom has recently been seeking the fashion advice of my sister and I. (I don’t really think I’m someone to be giving out advice on that subject, but whatever.) Last week my mom wanted to wear her new sweater dress with leggings and boots. She wasn’t sure she could pull it off though. So she went up to my sister’s room and woke her up.

Mom- Hey.
Sister- (Groggy.) What?
Mom- Do I look like a slut?

Nice, mom. For the record, she didn’t. She looked totally cute and got a bagillion compliments.

But this weekend she asked her oldest daughter.

Mom- Hey.
Me- Yes.
Mom- You know how you hear all those stories about ugly Christmas sweaters?
Me- Yeah.
Mom- Um. (pause) Is this one?

And then I laughed. I told her no. It wasn’t an ugly Christmas sweater. It was just a mommy Christmas sweater. But we’ll let you place your vote. She doesn’t want to wear something that makes her look dumb.

Sorry about the lighting, I’m not P Dub.

We happened to see an awful Christmas sweater just an hour later while we were at church so I was able to educate her on what a true ugly Christmas sweater was all about. They really should be banned from Christmas.

Want to know what else should be banned from Christmas? Ridiculous Christmas songs that make no sense. I’ve heard multiple examples of this over the past couple weeks and I’m not going to get into it too much. I just want to point one thing out. You know that song “When Christmas Comes To Town” from Polar Express? Yeah, I actually like that song. I think it’s pretty. But last week I heard a line that made me rolls my eyes and say, “Oh puh-lease!”

“When Santa’s sleigh bells ring, I listen all around. The herald angels sing, I never hear a sound.”

I’m sorry what? Last time I check, the angels don’t sing for Santa. They sing when Jesus comes to town, not Santa. Or did I read the story wrong? Excuse me while I consult Luke 2.

Fortunately I had the opportunity to sing about the true harold angels this weekend. I went to the Glory in the Highest concert with Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio. Well, I didn’t go with them. I went to the Glory in the Highest concert featuring Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio. (Although maybe I should have kept that sentence as it was so you think I’m a bigger deal than I am.) Regardless, I was there and they were there. Boy howdy, were they there!! It was phenomenal. I think Chris is, hands down, the greatest worship leader out there. His voice, his words, his talent. Fabulous.

In case you haven’t heard, Chris is Stephany’s future husband. In fact, I think many women think that he is their future husband. There’s just something about a hot, godly man. They make you smile.

I should know.

(ToT questions will be posted shortly. It’s the Christmas edition! If you participate in this week’s ToT on your blog, you’ll get an extra entry in this Friday’s giveaway. I know you don’t know what it is yet, but does it really matter? Also, while we are talking giveaways. My mom and sister expressed their sadness that they can’t win since they are related. I told them they could win. But they assured me it wouldn’t be fair and you guys would get mad. So lets put that up to a vote too. Two things to vote on today: Is my mom’s sweater ugly? AND Can people related to me win the giveaways?)

December 21, 2009 at 9:38 am 23 comments


December 2009


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