Archive for December 11, 2009

One Of Us Can Be Trendy

Hint: It won’t be me.

I’m pretty awful at being trendy. I’m the kind of girl who buys a shirt from Old Navy in 3 colors because it fits wells. I love scarves because they dress up my bland clothes. I’ve never worn boots on the outside of my jeans and I’m certain that if I do so, the world as we know it may cease to exist. And not in a good way.

Thanks to my Meme, I’m now a proud owner of one of this:

Yes ma’am. My very own Snuggie. The item that the whole world wants but everyone is too afraid to buy. Luckily I have a Meme who hooked me up. And let me just tell you this: it’s a perfect item for a blogger. I can snuggle up and stay warm whilst typing this to you! Brilliant. And also trendy… but not trendy.

I’m also the owner of a custom tie dye shirt. Custom. As in, it was made especially for me. And all of the females on my mom’s side of the family have them as well. Do you need proof of that too? I’ve got proof!

I can literally feel your jealousy seeping through my monitor.

Settle down, I can hook you up. This week’s giveaway is about 17,000 times cooler than I am. Really. If someone saw me carrying this, they’d take it away and assume I’d stolen it from someone far more fashionable than me. Someone like my trendy friend Kelly. She could rock this, no problem. Or my SIL, Courtney. She has a way with things like this. Check it out:

It’s a purse… of super, epicly cute proportions. If that even makes sense.

Designed and made by GlamourDamaged (<– that’s a link). She is the talented chick who made my laptop case. When you get a second (like… now) browse her Etsy store. I’m certain you’ll find something for someone on your Christmas list. Or for me.

Do you want that? I do. I think it’ll help “up” my trend factor. But I’m disqualified from entering… obviously. So I’ve been racking my brain trying to find a way to make me just a little bit cooler. Then it dawned on me. What are all the cool kids doing these day??


(I’ve just fainted.)

But because all of my blog friends tell me it’s what all the cool bloggers are doing, I’m taking the plunge. Let’s just get a few things straight though. I will be “tweeting” under my blog name, blog identity, and blog interests. Meaning I won’t be telling you lame stuff, I won’t have it linked to my facebook (as if I even knew how to do that), I wont be telling my real life friends about it unless they read R&R, etc. I’ll be writing quick snippets that would interest people who read my blog. And that’s it. I’ll be tweeting for the love of blogging. If it takes up too much of my time or I decide that I hate it, it’s gone. Even if it means that my Cool Card is revoked. And also, I have the right to make up any Twitter related jargon I feel like.

Get it? Got it? (LAUREN) Good.

Which leads me to this:

leave a separate comment for each entry

1. Leave a comment. Tell me the coolest thing about yourself. It’s okay to toot your own horn if I’ve asked you to.

2. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER. (<– That’s a link.) Seriously. If you don’t, I’m quitting Twitter.

3. Tweet about it.

4. Blog about it.

5. Go to the GlamourDamaged Etsy shop and tell me your favorite item.

In an effort to dive head first into Twit Nation, there will be no facebook entry this week.

Best of luck to you all. And may the trendiest prevail.

**Edited to add: If you follow me on Twitter, please leave a comment saying that you did… That way you’ll be entered into the giveaway.

(To see last week’s winner, keep scrolling down or click here.)

December 11, 2009 at 9:30 am 93 comments

Green Grass Meats – Winner

Here’s the thing about giveaways.

I feel bad.

I’m thrilled for the winner but I feel bad for all of the losers non-winners. I get nervous that I’ve hurt your feelings or you think I’m cheating. But as Lyndsey says, “No good deed goes unpunished.” Please don’t punish me, just congratulate the winner. Okay?

I wrote everyone’s name down and put it in a measuring cup. Rookie witnessed the whole thing. She wanted to make sure I wasn’t cheating.

Then I called Stephen over to do the honor.


51) Steph

Congrats Steph! I’ll get you hooked up with the folks at Green Grass. For you non-winners, keep GGM (<– that’s a link) in mind for Christmas gifts. Or Valentine’s Day gifts. Or Saturday gifts.

Remember that they’ve got a special going on right now. $49 for the following:

Family Night
2 Tenderloin Filets
2 T-Bones
1 Brisket
1 lb. Stew Meat
1 lb. Ground Beef


December 11, 2009 at 9:26 am 6 comments


December 2009


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