Archive for December 29, 2009

No Room In The Inn, So We’ll Talk About Me Instead

I was hoping to get to tell you all about my niece today. I planned to show you a few pictures and tell you how perfect she is but, no can do, my friends. My sister-in-law was scheduled to be induced yesterday morning at 5:00am but got a call at 4:30 saying that there were no available beds. Apparently a surge of pregos came in on Sunday night and the hospital ran out of space for them. I offered my stable but they declined. Even after I told them I’d clean the feeding trough and give them clean hay. (I’m hilarious.) Originally the plan was just to wait it out and the scheduler would call them when there was an opening. But then she spoke to her doctor and they decided to push it back a day. So another night of nerves, crappy sleep, and “oh my gosh, what’s about to happen” for Justin and Laura. (Get used to that crappy sleep thing, y’all!)

And now it’s Thursday, December 29 and we are expecting that it’ll happen any minute.

So because I can’t show you my niece, I’ll tell you a little story.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Chelsea. She had a blog and a cute sister. She didn’t know how to dress very well so she just stuck to what was safe. Sweaters, cardigans, t-shirts, jeans. These things made her happy. She wore tennis shoes, Reefs, and Sperry’s and rarely went out of that box. Then one Christmas her cute sister gave her a present. She said, “I’ve decided it’s time for you to dress cuter.” And she gave her this. The End.

(Not the dog, the hat.)

I have a bagillion hats. But they are all the baseball type. UT, Astros, Rice, camo, etc. I think they are cute… but apparently a girl needs a bit of hat variety in her life. Who knew? I opened the hat and told her she’d have to teach me how to use it. Then she said, “Show your friend Lauren From Texas, she’ll like it.” Well okay then.

My mother-in-law told me that as part of my Christmas, she wanted to buy me either a peacoat or boots. My choice. She also told me that she thinks I’m cute and this isn’t an effort to make me cuter. (Thanks MIL!) My first instinct was to go for the coat. I know coats. I LOVE coats. But Stephen said, “Don’t you have, like, a lot of coats?” Good point. So I kidnapped my sister and told her she was in charge of finding me cute boots. I gave her a budget and told her my only requirement was that I want black. And this is what I ended up with.

She swears they are cute. I told her that I was going to tell everyone I know that she picked them out and could she handle that sort of pressure? She assured me that she could. I had mixed feelings since, you know, my current boots say “Justin” on the bottom and are made for walking through manure. But I bought them and took them home. I showed Stephen and his first response was, “Why are they wrinkled?”

We are so hip.

I sent a picture of them to my cool friends. Lyndsey, Kelly, and Lauren. I told them that I needed their honest opinion. The verdict is in from 2 of the 3. They like them and are impressed because they are “definitely out of your box!” Which is a good thing, I suppose. Although I’ve stayed in by box for 25 years and I’ve got a husband, friends, and you seem to like me. Unless this is one of those train wreck examples… Feel free to NOT clarify that.

So anyways, that’s my story. Or maybe it’s the beginning of my New Story. Like, “In the beginning, Chelsea got Steve Madden boots.”

And it was good.

(I guess I should remind you to click here and enter the giveaway before it’s too late. It closes tomorrow.)

December 29, 2009 at 10:10 am 27 comments


December 2009


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