Archive for December 8, 2009

Ten on Tuesday (9)

Before I get started, I need to address the two reasons why today is a big day…
1. It’s the season finale of The Biggest Loser. For real this time!
2. Julie & Julia comes out on DVD today!! Hopefully my husband will be getting this for me. If you’d like to read my post from after I watched J&J in the theater, click here.

Today’s list comes from Jill (<– that’s a link). I love Jill. She doesn’t post too often right now because she’s in school and doesn’t really have time. Don’t hate her for that. Just add her to your Google Reader and you’ll get her updates when she feels like posting. Plus, if you’re real nice she’ll read your blog and leave you fun comments. Everyone repeat after me: Thank you Jill!

1. Cost aside, if you could go (back) to college for anything besides what you currently “do,” what would you study?
Journalism or English. Or creative writing. Or something computer related so I don’t have to bug Lauren or Tiffany every time I have a blog-related question.

Actually two nights ago, Stephen and I were laying in bed and he randomly asked, “Would you ever like to go to culinary school?” After talking about it, my answer was no. I love to cook, but I don’t necessary want to be a chef. Plus I enjoy the trial and error of learning on my own. However, assuming it was fully paid for and we’d still be receiving my income even though I wouldn’t be working, I don’t see why not.

2. What do you do for a living? Do you love it/hate it?
I do a random laundry list of things for a contruction company. I don’t love it or hate it. It’s not my life’s calling but it’s not nearly as bad as my 6 month career in banking!

3. What is your favorite Christmas ornament? If you don’t celebrate Christmas, what is your favorite holiday tradition?
I have a lot of faves. Here are a few.

This is one that I’ve had forever. It reminds me of childhood and Christmas- two of themost joyful things in life.

This is a new favorite. It’s a shopping angel. They totally exist. She’s carrying shoes and hangers and a credit card.

And this set just makes me happy. So much character. So loved. I had to turn the lights off for this one because it was too blurry. So now it’s dark. Deal.

4. Name something you could literally do without for the rest of your life.
There are so many that I don’t know where to start. I’ll stay away from obvious things like mosquitos, pimples, and all VH1 reality television shows. I could go without seafood, running, and cats. I could also go without working (assuming there is some other form of income), weather below 70 degrees, and doing housework (assuming someone else is there to do it for me). 

5. If you were going to have any kind of “cosmetic procedure,” what would it be?
I’m a believer that God made us how He wanted us to look. “He oh-so-creatively knit me together in my momma’s womb.” (Loose translation of Psalm 139:13) I don’t want to mess with something that God intended. However, I wouldn’t mind a round or two of microdermabrasion. I have redness and scars from years of acne.

6. Do you have any “collections”? (comic books, shoes, etc.)
Cookbooks, cutting boards, spatulas, scarves, cards that people have written me, stationary, almost anything that has any sort of meaning to it. Basically, I’m a hoarder. We’ve talked about this HERE and HERE.

7. At what age did you get your first cell phone?
16. But back in “those days” we didn’t leave our cell phone on. I had one that I kept in my purse and I only turned it on to call someone quickly or if there was an emergency.

8. What is currently in your purse (or pocket or backpack if you’re a guy)?
My cell phone, wallet, checkbook, a small Bible, clothbound Wuthering Heights (yes, I’m STILL reading it. I haven’t had much time to read lately), 4 pens, postage stamps, two extra tubes of Chapstick, my 2009 planner, my 2010 planner, a coupon to Bed Bath & Beyond, my grocery list from Sunday, lotion, the Mexican version of Imitrex, Aleve, and a coin purse.

9. Are you a neat-freak or a slob ? *this applies to house, office, car, etc.
I love clean homes but I don’t have one. If I have spare time I would rather cook, blog, or sleep. I hate cleaning. But I really need to change my ways because my messy house makes me grumpy.

10. What kind of parent do you think you will be? If you’re already a parent, what is your style?
Oh goodness, I have no idea. I don’t know if there is any way of knowing. I believe in spanking, I believe in loving your child so much that there is never a doubt in their mind, I believe in discipline. I don’t think a child should be overly spoiled. I believe that my child should be raised in the ways of the Lord and learn all the cheesy church songs. I believe children should have responsibilities and receive praise. But as far as my parenting, we’ll see how it goes. I’m sure y’all with be with me ever step of the way!

No Linky today. He annoys me. Just leave your link in the comments. If it doesn’t show up right away, that probably means that WordPress thinks it’s spam. I’ll periodically check the spam folder to approve.

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December 8, 2009 at 9:21 am 22 comments


December 2009


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