Ten on Tuesday (18)

February 16, 2010 at 8:00 am 21 comments

This batch of questions comes from Miss Debbie at My Thoughts Exactly. She’s a fellow Texan which makes her cool by default.

1. If you could open any type of store/place of business (money is no obstacle), what would you open?
A used bookstore slash bakery. It would be awesome. I’d have big comfy chairs and delicious chocolately things. And there would be wi-fi, you know, for the bloggers. I have dreams…

2. If all jobs paid equally, what occupation would you want? Why?
Stay at home mom. Duh.

3. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you pick? Why?
A dog. But not a dog with an owner that makes me run a lot. That’s not fun. I’d want to be a dog with an owner that lets me sit on the couch and give me delicious treats all day. Or one of those owners that actually cooks for me.

4. If offered one “service” free of charge, which would you choose? (chauffeur, maid, personal shopper, chef, etc.)
This is probably the easiest question ever. Maid. Hands down. Although in September I may choose a nanny instead of a maid. Maybe a nanny who cleans while the baby is sleeping. Yes. Perfect.

5. What is one habit, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to break?
Chapstick. Although in my defense I’ve never actually tried to quit. Everytime I think about trying to quit, I quit thinking about it.

6. What is one thing that no matter how many you own, you still love to buy all the time?

7. Out of all the game shows (past and present), which would you want to be a participant on and play?
Wheel of Fortune. I watch it almost every day and I’m awesome at it. I mean that in the most humble way possible… I’m like, really good at it.

8. If you could play the lead role in any movie that’s already been made, which movie would you pick?
Well I’m a horrible actress so I’m not so sure. Assuming I’d be as awesome as the lead role was? Meryl Streep in Julie & Julia because she gets to eat delicious food the entire time and it was okay for her to gain weight.

9. Name 5 things on your bucket list (things you want to do before you die).
I don’t really have a bucket list. I can’t think of anything that would make my life complete. I wouldn’t mind going to Europe, having absolutely no debt (including mortgage), seeing all of my children have children (not actually witnessing it… just being alive for it, thank you), becoming a better baker, and writing a book that I’m proud of.  

10.  Which one of your birthdays was the best? What did you do that day?
Every birthday is great. I love birthdays! One year when I was little I got a bike and I remember being so excited. Then when I was 16 I got a car. Plus, turning 16 is like the coolest thing ever.

Sorry my answers were short today. I didn’t get home from Bible Study until 9 and I’m very very tired. I’m looking forward to reading yours though, I like these questions.

Also- all of you Beth Moore lovers… go to my blog-friend Pippy’s blog to enter her giveaway for Beth’s new book. Click here.

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Maybe I Am Sort Of A Baker There Are No Losers In This Post

21 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Karen  |  February 16, 2010 at 8:41 am

    1. If you could open any type of store/place of business (money is no obstacle), what would you open?
    An antique store and collectibles like baseball cards and etc.

    2. If all jobs paid equally, what occupation would you want? Why?
    Caring for animals, because I love them.

    3. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you pick? Why?
    A bird, for the freedom of flying like they do.

    4. If offered one “service” free of charge, which would you choose? (chauffeur, maid, personal shopper, chef, etc.)
    Chef, I would love to wake up to a full course breakfast and come on to a full course dinner each day, wow that would be great.

    5. What is one habit, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to break?
    I guess I could say smoking, I don’t smoke, I quit smoking, but if I am around people who are smoking, I really crave one, and if we are drinking, I am probably going to have one, not really I have done well with leaving them alone, but I do get a craving some time.

    6. What is one thing that no matter how many you own, you still love to buy all the time?
    Non-winning lottery tickets, I don’t love them, I just can’t stop buying them.

    7. Out of all the game shows (past and present), which would you want to be a participant on and play?
    Wheel of Fortune

    8. If you could play the lead role in any movie that’s already been made, which movie would you pick?
    Erin Brockovich, I love the investigation type stuff.

    9. Name 5 things on your bucket list (things you want to do before you die).
    I don’t think that I am quite there yet, but these are things that I feel like I will die if I don’t get them done.
    Paint my porch
    Get my male cats fixed
    Get out of debt
    Move to a more secluded place
    Win the lottery

    10. Which one of your birthdays was the best? What did you do that day?
    I guess the birthdays that I have now are the best, me and mom go out to eat and to a movie and just spend time together, I have to say they are the best.

  • 2. Lauren From Texas  |  February 16, 2010 at 9:06 am

    RE: 3. So you don’t want to be Leia, but you’d like to be Pancho? He gets his own sausage/pancake whenever I make breakfast.

  • 3. Ashley  |  February 16, 2010 at 9:43 am

    Great Questions!!


    **I totally agree, Meryl Streep was sooo lucky to play that role. I was very envious!

  • 4. Clare  |  February 16, 2010 at 10:04 am

    I loved this week’s questions!

    I feel pretty superficial now, I put 4 kind of dumb things on my bucket list (and 1 not at all dumb thing). Being totally debt-free is DEFINITELY one of mine too though, the freedom! the joy!

  • 5. This Heavenly Life  |  February 16, 2010 at 10:06 am

    1. I’d SO open that bookstore/bakery with you. Dream. Job.

    2. Yes, stay at home mom with benefits, please.

    3. I’d be a cat, curled up in a patch of sunshine. But not in the baby’s crib.

    4. I need a personal assistant. I’m so terrible at keeping all my stuff straight, including what day bills are due, when I’m about to run out of toilet paper, when to send out party invitations, what TIME TO GO TO BED. I need a life boss. (And come to think of it, that’d be a pretty awesome job to have.)

    5. The habit of eating far too many donuts, and then not ever ever exercising. Bad combination for my arteries.

    6. Books. Clothes.

    7. Hmmm….I’d like to play who wants to be a millionaire, but only if I know all the answers 🙂

    8. Baby in Dirty Dancing. Elizabeth in Pride & Prejudice. Hermione in Harry Potter. My tastes are many and varied.

    9. I don’t have a bucket list, but I suspect it would involve lots of travel and lots of reading.

    10. For my 16th birthday, I got a hot air balloon ride. That stands out as a fantastic day, surrounded by my whole family and all of my friends….I was happy.

  • 6. Taryn E  |  February 16, 2010 at 10:06 am

    1. An art/photo gallery, with a bakery and coffee shop.

    2. At home artist/photographer so I could just spend all day painting, drawing, and taking pictures

    3. Dolphin, so I could go jump and play in the ocean

    4. Personal chef. I love to cook, but I would love having someone do all the preparation so I could have super-healthy tasty meals all the time!

    5. trimming my nails. I do it all the time, so i don’t chew on them. The only time I’ve ever let them grow out is when I was pregnant. I cut them the day after Luke was born! 🙂

    6. Shoes. It’s a sickness. I love them.

    7. Jeopardy! or Who wants to be a millionaire. I love trivia.

    8. LeeLoo played by Milla Jovovitch in The Fifth Element. She was just awesome.

    9. Traveling to Egypt/Greece/Australia, meeting my grandchildren, scuba diving in the Blue Hole off of Belize, taking my son to DisneyWorld, and taking a course in photography.

    10. I love celebrating birthdays! 30 was actually pretty good… I was pregnant, so I couldn’t drink… but my husband got a ton of my friends together for a surprise birthday dinner! 🙂

  • 7. Debbie  |  February 16, 2010 at 10:08 am

    Awww, cool! Glad people are liking my questions!! 🙂

    I posted my link on Linky…but, I had to comment. Seriously, I wrote my answers last night and hadn’t seen yours…we, again, have some in common. Wheel of Fortune?!? seriously! read what I wrote! oh yeah..and #2…and #4. yeesh!! lol. great minds think alike!

  • 8. hyperactivelu  |  February 16, 2010 at 10:15 am

    Great questions this week!!

  • 9. kelly  |  February 16, 2010 at 11:28 am

    but don’t dogs like to run around… (of course only when its their idea).

  • 10. mom (Nana)  |  February 16, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    1. If you could open any type of store/place of business (money is no obstacle), what would you open?
    I would be the “taster” for Chelsea’s chocolately delights and help her keep the books dusted and test out those comfy chairs.

    2. If all jobs paid equally, what occupation would you want? Why?
    Stay at home mom – I was fortunate to be able to have my dream job.

    3. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you pick? This is hard because I’m not a huge animal lover. Definitely not a cat – although they get to roam around and poop IN ALL YARDS BUT THEIR OWN so guess that would be okay.

    4. If offered one “service” free of charge, which would you choose? (chauffeur, maid, personal shopper, chef, etc.)
    This is probably the easiest question ever. Maid. Hands down. DITTO!!!

    5. What is one habit, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to break?
    NOT starting an exercising program!

    6. What is one thing that no matter how many you own, you still love to buy all the time? don’t have anything that I can think of – not that I don’t like to shop – I definitely do…

    7. Out of all the game shows (past and present), which would you want to be a participant on and play? Newlywed game? Just to see how far off I would be on my answers with my hubby of almost 30 years!

    8. If you could play the lead role in any movie that’s already been made, which movie would you pick?
    Julie Andrews in Sound of Music = that would mean I could SING like that! AND play the guitar = AND be in a beautiful country like Austria!

    9. Name 5 things on your bucket list (things you want to do before you die).
    See all my kids be married and have children and their children have children and get to hold them and snuggle with all of them. Travel to Greece/Mediterrean area

    10. Which one of your birthdays was the best? What did you do that day?
    Hard to remember a lot of them! I think 18 was nice – got a nice set of pearls. 30 was great – found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child that day. 40 was fun – celebrated an “80th” birthday with one of my closest friends who was also turning 40 and my kids made a giant sign and put it on the garage.
    50 was AWESOME because I got MOLLY, my puppy!

  • 11. Southern Gal  |  February 16, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    1. Ooh, I’m like you. Give me a good book, warm pastry, cup of coffee or hot chocolate and I’m in heaven. That would be an ideal business!

    2. I have that job – stay at home mom

    3. Some ocean creature or a bird of flight. Maybe a dolphin or an eagle.

    4. MAID! PLEASE?

    5. Chewing ice (even when my iron is the right level)

    6. Books and photo prints probably tie.

    7. Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune (We have the games.)

    8. Hard question. Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice?
    After she and Mr Darcy have married, of course.

    9. Off the cuff – Visit Italy and the Alps. Go on a mission trip to a foreign country. See all my children married with families of their own (getting there!). Bring sunshine to the lives of my grandchildren (like my parents do). And grow old(er) and gray(er) with my high school sweetheart. Oh and be a professional photographer (as soon as I get the equipment).

    10. My children surprised me when I turned 40. It was nice to have a party as an adult and not have to plan it!!

    These were fun! Thanks.

  • 12. Alyssa  |  February 16, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    1. A paint your own pottery store!!!

    I got to your blog this morning and saw Ten on Tuesday and had to do a double take-can’t believe it’s Tuesday already-not that I’m complaining!

  • 13. Kara  |  February 16, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    I seem to be awesome all both Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, but I’m certain that if I were on the show, I’d freeze and complete go mind-blank!

  • 14. Samantha  |  February 16, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    I couldn’t agree more with your answer to number one! If you ever decided to open one, I’ll be your business partner, lol! Oh, and number five. We are Chapstick soulmates, afterall. 😉 I’ve never been able to quit, either. The feel of no Chapstick on my lips is so repulsive.

  • 15. Jana (sidetrack'd)  |  February 16, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    I enjoyed playing along this week for the first time. Great questions.

  • 16. Courtney  |  February 16, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    Could you imagine if you got paid to be a stay at home mommy? That’d be the best!

  • 17. Ashley  |  February 16, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    Ugh. we are both chapstick addicts. I hate it!

  • 18. Amanda  |  February 16, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    Its my first visit here…and I gotta tell ya, I like you already!! The idea of a book store/bakery works for me! Need an apprentice??

    Be blessed-

  • 19. Kimberly  |  February 16, 2010 at 9:05 pm

    I posted mine…funny format and all…link in Mr. Linky!

  • 20. Jessica  |  February 16, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    I love the idea of a used book store/bakery. I would definitely go there instead of Chapters!

  • 21. Low Expectations  |  February 17, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    I joined in yesterday as well and put the questions on my blog! I am so glad I found you!

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