Ten on Tuesday (23)

March 23, 2010 at 7:30 am 17 comments

Wow, we’re on week 23 of this endeavour. That’s a lot!

This week’s questions are from Erin at Suburban Euphoria… who I am CONVINCED would be one of my best friends if she lived in Houston. We have a ton in common, including the whole “with child” thing. Go check her out and thank her for her questions.

1. When you were a senior in high school, what career did you think you’d choose? Did you? Why or why not?
I thought I’d do something in advertising. It seemed fun and creative. I ended up getting my degree in marketing instead of advertising because marketing was in the business school so I’d be getting a business background. I got a job at a bank in a management program and hated it’s guts. So my FIL got me a job at a construction company where I do nothing marketing related. But I’m a notary and have my own stamp that makes a fun sound when I use it. That’s the same, right?

2. What one thing about the “real world” did you find most surprising once you were on your own?
First of all, let me just say that I HATE the term “real world.” Despise it really. Just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you aren’t in the real world. It’s real. It’s just not Adult Life. Okay, now to answer the question. Money. I didn’t know that money would be an issue. I didn’t realize that we’d have to budget and we wouldn’t be able to have as much “fun money” as I thought. I didn’t even consider the fact that I would have to work after having kids. I didn’t understand that we’d have a mortgage, car note, student loans, bills, etc. and would have to be smart about how to pay them on time while still saving some of our income.

3. Name 3 things you think your closest friends DON’T like about you.
I don’t care for this question. I’ve never asked and don’t plan on it but this is my guess: I’m stubburn, I’m a homebody (aka: boring), and I’m cheap (aka: boring)

4. In order to sleep, do you need background noise or absolute quiet?
I need the hum of a fan. The CONSISTENT hum of a fan… not a click or moan or ting ting ting of the pully thing against the glass. Other than that, I need complete silence. In fact, on Sunday night Rookie got a swat on her snout because she wouldn’t stop licking her paws in the middle of the night. Gross.

5. Why do you choose to reside in your current city? Yes, you have a choice.
Stephen and I debated between Austin and Houston. Both of our families live in Houston so that seemed natural. However, we loved Austin. I think our three main deciding factors were as follows: 1) The job market was better in Houston 2) The cost of living is lower in Houston so we knew we could reach our goal of being homeowners in a decent sized house in a great neighborhood 3) We wanted our kids to grow up close to their grandparents. We’re happy with our decision to live in Houston but we visit Austin often.

6. Are you close to your parents?
Yep- in every sense of the word. Not only do we have a great relationship but they live in the same neighborhood.

7. What is your favorite fiction book? Poem? Blog?
Favorite fiction book- probably Redeeming Love
Favorite Poem- I am too dense for poetry. I like Shel Silverstein!
Favorite Blog- I have a few: Pioneer Woman (the food, ohhh the food!), Big Mama (she’s hilarious), and Lauren From Texas (because she’s my Blog Friend 4Ever and we wouln’t have met without our blogs)

8. Do you enjoy cooking or is it a chore?
Most of the time I enjoy it. I only think it’s a chore when I’m really tired, if we don’t have food in the house, or if Stephen says things like, “There’s no meat in that?? Can we put some sort of meat in it?”

9. Be honest. What one thing would (the majority of) your blog readers be shocked to find out about you?
I have my belly button pierced. I got it done when I was 16 (I think?). I don’t have it in right now for obvious reasons and I’m not sure that I’ll put it back in after the Hurstling comes. I like it, it’s part of me. I feel like my stomach looks weird without it. But Stephen likes it without it and I think he may win this.

10. If you were given your own national holiday, what would you require people to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the Day of You? Would there be a parade? Greeting cards?
Everyone would eat breakfast tacos for breakfast, potluck for lunch, and steak for dinner. People would give each other Reese’s and I Love You cards. Everyone would send me a Reese’s too. There would be no work. Every year someone would hire someone to come clean my house and my car and my dog. And it would be in the summer so everyone could go to the beach and have a giant potluck. We’d also have the day afterwards off of work so that everyone can stay up late and not have to worry about setting an alarm the next day.

That’s all folks. Your turn! Click the logo below to view the list of participants.

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Pregnant Pause – With A Few Pictures Loser 9.10: No One Cupcaked Koli

17 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Erin B.  |  March 23, 2010 at 7:48 am

    We would TOTALLY be best friends! I’m boring nd cheap, too! And I love the idea of a day of AFTER a holiday….I’m still lobbying for Mondays off to recover myself and my house from the weekend.

  • 2. Sarah @ This Heavenly Life  |  March 23, 2010 at 9:05 am

    I took my belly button piercing out with my first pregnancy, too. And let me just say that your belly button will become a wicked distortion of what it used to be. My cute litte innie became a cavernous pit after pregnancy, and a ring in there would just be like putting lipstick on a pig. My belly is still fairly flat, so there’s that, but I just think putting the ring back in at this point would be…wrong. Not to mention painful: with toddlers crawling all over me, they’d be bound to snag it at some point. Not fun.

    Justin still misses the ring sometimes, but I think he’s good without it. And I don’t miss it at all 🙂

  • 3. Karen  |  March 23, 2010 at 9:18 am

    1. When you were a senior in high school, what career did you think you’d choose? Did you? Why or
    why not?
    Pharmacist or Forestry technician, no, mainly money, but once the money came in there were no places close to home to attend so I went in to accounting and marketing. I wish that I would have done the forestry technician, I still could, but I don’t feel like it, going back to school and all, if I did not have to work and go, I might would feel different.

    2. What one thing about the “real world” did you find most surprising once you were on your own?
    That money really does not grow on trees.

    3. Name 3 things you think your closest friends DON’T like about you.
    I have no idea.

    4. In order to sleep, do you need background noise or absolute quiet?
    I play the tv real low, I can’t shut my mind up if it is too quite.

    5. Why do you choose to reside in your current city? Yes, you have a choice
    I was raised there, I have some of the greatest memories in my little town of Guyton, GA. And I love the small town life, we have only about 1,230 in population.

    6. Are you close to your parents?
    Yes, I am close to both of them and very thankful for my parents.

    7. What is your favorite fiction book? Poem? Blog?
    Well roots and rings of course. I don’t have a favorite book or poem.

    8. Do you enjoy cooking or is it a chore?
    I like it at times.

    9. Be honest. What one thing would (the majority of) your blog readers be shocked to find out about you?
    That I don’t have a blog. HAHA 🙂

    10. If you were given your own national holiday, what would you require people to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the Day of You? Would there be a parade? Greeting cards?
    Breakfast – bacon, grits and eggs
    Lunch – a build your own sandwich, with a variety of very fresh bread, meats and veggies, with a variety of chips and such.
    Dinner – grilled meat like steaks, pork chops, chicken, etc. With a large variety of sides, such as potato salad, pork and beans, mac and cheese and etc.
    Parade – Yes
    Greeting cards – No
    It will be all country style, because I is country and it is all about me, right?

  • 4. Kim  |  March 23, 2010 at 9:54 am

    I have a belly button ring too- and whenever people glimpse it, they are always completely shocked. However, my husband likes it because he said it’s so out of place that it makes it cool.

    I actually got it because I told a friend of mine in college that I’d go with her and pierce something with her because she wanted to pierce her tongue. She was terrified, so I went first. Then it turned out that the webbing on her tongue was too far up so she couldn’t do it.

  • 5. Lauren From Texas  |  March 23, 2010 at 10:46 am

    Aww I made the list 🙂

    Pancho has been licking himself at night too. NOT OKAY PANCHO. Worst sound ever to wake up to.

    Michael won’t let me get my belly button or my nose pierced. HE IS NO FUN.

  • 6. Debbie  |  March 23, 2010 at 10:52 am

    My answers are on the linky. I was going to write that I was cheap and boring, too. But, decided to say nothing. Ha. Oh well!

    As far as meat with every meal…that’s exactly how Badi is. I could easily have salad, soup, heck even cereal or something so random for dinner. Not my husband. Oh well!

    I LOVE that you’re so close to your parents. There doesn’t seem to be as many of those people anymore! Hope your throat burn is getting better!!

  • 7. Taryn E  |  March 23, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    1. When I was a senior, I was pretty sure I was going to be a marine biologist. I really wanted to do just art, but I knew the job market is really tough on artists. So I went to college for marine bio with an art minor… then proceeded to go to grad school for medical illustration. So really, I’m doing both… art as related to science! 🙂
    2. I gotta agree with Chelsea… money money money. Making it, spending it, saving it…. not as easy as it seems.
    3. I guess that I’m really stubborn, I have a kid so I can’t just pick up and go party, and I’ve been a lot more mindful of my diet and exercise, so I won’t just go gorge on food any ol’ day! 🙂
    4. I need background noise. I love sleeping with a fan on, but Rob doesn’t…. I can easily fall asleep with the TV on.
    5. I moved here for my job (which I still have) and in the process, met my husband, got married and had a baby. We love Florida, the weather, scuba diving, etc… I do miss home and Houston, though.
    6. Yes, I love them. We talk all the time… I wish we lived closer, but the job market isn’t exactly favorable to move nearer to them.
    7. Fiction: ANything by Stephen King; Poem: Childe Roland by Robert Browning, Blog: Roots and Rings, Pioneer Woman, Perez Hilton, Go Fug Yourself.
    8. I enjoy cooking. I just don’t have a lot of time for cooking! We barbeque A LOT, mainly because it’s easier and one of us can do that, while the other gets sides together and gets Luke fed!
    9. I guess that I have a tattoo in the center of my back of a dragon.
    10. Breakfast: eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, pancakes… the works! Lunch: Reuben sandwiches with chips and Coke. Dinner: Big steaks, shrimp, augratin potatoes, and wine.

  • 8. Ashley  |  March 23, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    Hooray Shel Silverstein!

  • 9. Kaitlynn  |  March 23, 2010 at 3:27 pm

    Hi Chelsea! I’m not much of a poem-reader myself, but I do love the poem Beautiful Christian Sister by Maya Angelou. You should google it. The first stanza can be a prayer for your future daughter 🙂 I pray it for my future daughter(s) and I’m not even pregnant!

  • 10. rachieannie  |  March 23, 2010 at 4:54 pm

    Miss Millie doesn’t really understand the concept of come (except when she wants to), sit, lay, stay or anything normal. However, she KNOWS what “don’t lick” means and is pretty good about obeying it. I CANNOT HANDLE LICKING! UGH UGH UGH! Too bad my dog is a compulsive licker – if we don’t let her lick us, she will just lick the air.

  • 11. Ashley  |  March 23, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    ooh I should have had tacos on my day!

  • 12. Courtney  |  March 23, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    Dang! My notary stamp doesn’t make a fun sound. 😦 (btw, I don’t like being a notary public, but I have to do it for work…and they paid for it all…)

  • 13. mom (Nana)  |  March 23, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    1. When you were a senior in high school, what career did you think you’d choose? Did you? Why or why not?
    I had noooo idea what I “wanted to be” other than a wife and mother. Just rolled the dice and picked business because it seemed “the right thing to do”. Worked at NASA for one year after I graduated, shuffling papers and then for EXXON PIPELINE for a year in the benefits dept. After that, stayed home with babies/kids until the youngest was 7 and then I went back part time.

    2. What one thing about the “real world” did you find most surprising once you were on your own?
    I KNEW this would drive Chelsea crazy!!!! She has ALWAYS hated that statement…the “real world”. Ha! I think money for sure. It was sooooooooo hard to go from my parents house to college (which they paid for) and right into marriage. My husband was a TIGHT WAD DELUXE (THANK GOD) and so I had a lot to learn. I am much better now! And he isn’t a tight wad anymore! (ALthough we don’t have to watch it like we used to)

    3. Name 3 things you think your closest friends DON’T like about you.
    Hmmm that is an unusual question. Maybe that I am too laid back? That I chose to stay home instead of work anymore? I really don’t know!!!

    4. In order to sleep, do you need background noise or absolute quiet?
    quiet. although I can go to sleep with noise like a fan, a beach, things like that. No t.v. though

    5. Why do you choose to reside in your current city? Yes, you have a choice.
    When we got married, Kurt had a lot of job offers. We narrowed it down to one in Victoria Texas (which is 1/2 way between both sets of parents) or here in Clear Lake. I thought it made more sense to be 1/2 way between both. However, he liked this area and so we chose this place. I am thankful we did. It is a nice area and I love having family so close. If we had been in Victoria, none of our family would have been closer than 2 hours away. Bummer….(Austin wasn’t even a choice for us because Kurt couldn’t get a job there.)

    6. Are you close to your parents?
    Yes, I am very close to them.. Also very close to my sisters and my in-laws too. I AM BLESSED!

    7. What is your favorite fiction book? Poem? Blog?
    Favorite fiction book- probably Redeeming Love or the Mark of the Lion series by this same author (trilogy)
    Favorite Poem- – yeah I don’t do poems….unless it is a limerick written by my husband!
    Favorite Blog- Roots and Rings of course!

    8. Do you enjoy cooking or is it a chore?
    It is okay. I don’t like to clean up though and that usually goes hand in hand.

    9. Be honest. What one thing would (the majority of) your blog readers be shocked to find out about you?
    I don’t have any blog readers…..

    10. If you were given your own national holiday, what would you require people to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Parade? Greeting cards? No to greeting cards unless they wrote them. Waste of money otherwise. Parade might be fun…Hmmm food wise, that is a hard decision. Breakfast – breakfast tacos would be a must; Lunch – Huge salad bar with all kinds of good stuff to choose from, soup, corn bread, paninis. Dinner – a pasta bar with lots of sauces, meats, chicken, spinach, artichokes, olives, etc….And Jillian and Bob couldn’t come because I wouldn’t want them to start yelling at us. 🙂

  • 14. Sue @ Simon's Sista  |  March 24, 2010 at 6:27 am

    I think this set contains some of my favourite questions yet. I’m also really close to my parents (not distance – I’m in the UK, they in Aus) but relationship wise. I think I often take that for granted because I know not everyone is so lucky.

    Reeces aren’t available in the UK or Aus – I’ll have to raincheck sending them to anyone until I make my next US trip

  • 15. Stacie  |  March 24, 2010 at 11:44 am

    I read “I’m stubborn” as “I’m suburban” and thought “what kinds of friends get mad at someone for choosing to live outside of the city…?” hahahaha. Dyslexia is funny….but not really.

  • 16. Ten for Tuesday on Wednesday « saroy.net  |  March 25, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    […] all I could think of, so enjoy this instead: Ten on Tuesday. Even though it’s Wednesday. Cause that’s how I […]

  • 17. Ten for Tuesday on Wednesday - saroy  |  March 16, 2016 at 12:50 pm

    […] all I could think of, so enjoy this instead: Ten on Tuesday. Even though it’s Wednesday. Cause that’s how I […]

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March 2010


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